Electronics Forum: potting machine for sal (Page 1 of 2)

Looking for table top wave soldering machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 31 11:34:44 EDT 2006 | flipit

Could you get by using a Wenesco or Air Vac PCBRM10 wave pot instead of an entire wave soldering machine?

Opinion/references about *KAIT brand for Wave Soldering machine (KTU-350)

Electronics Forum | Mon May 17 13:43:32 EDT 2021 | kumarb

We are also in the market for wave soldering system but review if they are the manufacturer. Many just resell the product. Check Jaguar who is a manufacturer. Also note the solder pot size and the cost of the solder. Did not know about your vendor

PCB's for oven profile testing

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 28 18:08:07 EDT 2002 | MikeF

This looks like it may be a good application for an Air-Vac or Wenesco type solder station. It is a solder pot that has a small motor to pump solder up through a chimney. You can put different nozzles on the top of the chimney, so you only apply sold

Micro crack for lead free wave solder

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 01 08:38:57 EDT 2005 | kamrant

Joseph, What is the topside temp reading of your board before reaching the pot? Do you have top-heater in your wave machine? It sounds like; you got an insufficient per-heating issue.

Vacuum for Wave and Selective Solder Maintenance

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 11 08:53:44 EST 2017 | tch

My company is looking for a vacuum that can handle being used to clean up solder splashes on the bottom of our wave solder machines and around the solder pot area in our ERSA Selective Solder Machines. In the past we would use a Shopvac but these don

Vapor Phase vs Convection for production

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 28 19:24:15 EST 2011 | jlawson

Should contact Rehm Thermal they have a whitepaper on pros and cons of Vapor Phase vs Convection.... Vapor phase traditionally targeted heavy PCB, large mass products better then lighter ones, due to ramp rate control being harder to attain vs say a

Solder pot size for Electrovert Econopak 400 SV

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 05 03:14:47 EDT 2004 | P.V

I am looking for the solder pot size on the above wave machine, any help would be appreciated

Basic requirements for lead free wave soldering ?

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 21 14:02:25 EST 2006 | paligora

Hi People I will need some help on basic things really, we are replacing the existing solder pot with a lead free capable solder pot, but what are the other parameters that we need to look in to, to be able to achieve good quality soldering on the sa

How to choose equipment for Selective Soldering ?

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 30 10:16:17 EDT 2017 | swag

We have two selective wave machines that run all day every day. We're pretty high mix. Almost all products don't require preheat but it is nice to have in case you need it on something dense. Good reliable flux sprayer is important. Software that

How to choose equipment for Selective Soldering ?

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 26 21:48:57 EDT 2017 | deanm

For selective soldering I would first look at the alloys your products require. Do you run tin-lead, lead free or both? If you run (or may run in the future) two alloys, then look for a machine that has quick change solder pots. Secondly, do your bo

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