Electronics Forum: power place (Page 1 of 26)

Quad IV-c power transformer

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 25 08:54:33 EST 2019 | dfl

For the first time, I'm really looking at to the power transformer for the IV-C pick and place (the big big one, at the middle). As I understood, is this transformer converting the 220V to 127V? I realize that the camera monitor is 127V and the PC PS

power relay problems

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 08 08:59:45 EDT 2008 | davef

You're correct: * Sealed relays should not be cracked or have moisture intrusion. * Hand soldering relays is going to be expensive. [Using a mini-solder pot for this might reduce some of the burden.] The good part is that the problem is gross enough

Omniflo 10 power failure detected

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 30 10:03:31 EDT 2013 | mmjm_1099

Got it powered back on Friday.... We did check the UPS (power-supply)and indeed it was bad. So we referenced the manual and found you can bypass the UPS all together. So we just directly plugged the machine past the UPS. Well the machine is running b

best way to get power to PCB

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 02 15:28:19 EDT 2014 | arifa_anees

it all depends on the situation, your circuitry and components. ground place should always be below or above the signal and power traces to minimize loops and reduce EMI generated by the board.If you have multiple power voltages and a 4-layer board y

best way to get power to PCB

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 14 07:30:00 EDT 2014 | rob

For low voltage and current applications there are also some nice SMT conductive foam pads that come in on tape. http://www.gore.com/MungoBlobs/621/772/SMT_Grounding_Pads.pdf I think Laird also do something similar. We place them with no problem.

best way to get power to PCB

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 12 06:53:32 EDT 2014 | spoiltforchoice

Surely this depends on the scenario? Quite a few manufacturers feeders use spring contacts http://www.harwin.com/product-search/P20-0/ perhaps a bit like these, so your PCB would simply have pads to align with those contacts. Of course this relies o

CP4 jerks all axis after power up and reset sw...

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 15:21:12 EDT 2012 | jdengler

Have you tried to do a reset start? When Fuji's act weird the first place to start is a reset start, then re-load the Proper Status and Program. Jerry

"New" pick and place ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 04 06:37:10 EDT 2003 | cdowny

I am looking into pick and place for medium to medium-high production with semi frequent changeovers. I have been looking for a little while and nosed around at APEX also. I am not interested in any used products, I have been down that road before

UPS on a pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 04 21:37:29 EDT 2003 | davef

We loose power all the time. So, we have a UPS the size of a four of cases of beer on our telephone system. On placement machines, most people opt for an orderly machine shut-down, rather than completing the program, but you can do it either way.

UPS on a pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 04 18:10:36 EDT 2003 | dougt

When a UPS is used on pick and place equipment is it setup to continue to run the entire machine or is it just keeping the computer(s) powered up? How long will the UPS typically supply power to the machine?

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