Electronics Forum: ppms quad cut tape feeder (Page 1 of 1)

Quad Feeder Issue

Electronics Forum | Wed May 25 10:01:59 EDT 2016 | stevedc

I tend to get issue on and off with the feeders either stalling and/or running slow/noisy. They are actually pretty easy to clean and maintain. If you take off the side panel of the feeder you will see a few gears, belts and a motor. The first thin

Quad IV C Recommendations

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 10 17:12:53 EST 2011 | gosswald

I have been researching older lower cost used Pick and Place machines and so far I am leaning towards the Quad IV C. There seems to be a fair amount of these units around and I have heard some pretty good things about them on some of the past posts.


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