Electronics Forum: preheat temperature sensor (Page 1 of 41)

Wave soldering preheat temperature

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 14 00:04:21 EDT 2001 | zam_bri

I'm not a Wave soldering guy and my friend have asked me a question on what is the best preheat time and temperature for Wave soldering.They experiences only 10% flow up thru the PTH barrel. I've asked them to increase the temperatue to 120 Deg C. Cu

Wave soldering preheat temperature

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 16 12:59:51 EDT 2001 | Mike R

If you will place a temperature strip on the board during wave soldering process you will get a max of 210 F or 98.8 C which is normal on the standard wave temperature. The problem on the 10% solder on the TH via hole can be caused by insufficient fl

Wave soldering preheat temperature

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 14 03:25:04 EDT 2001 | kpliew

Hi , As far as I experienced with wave reflow. If u have a refective thermal reader , u will see that the board is exposed to much more temp than the 120 deg that u set. Actually , once u see the board warp or comp. crack u should know that

Wave soldering preheat temperature

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 14 03:25:10 EDT 2001 | kpliew

Hi , As far as I experienced with wave reflow. If u have a refective thermal reader , u will see that the board is exposed to much more temp than the 120 deg that u set. Actually , once u see the board warp or comp. crack u should know that

Re: Wave soldering temperature

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 05 21:41:46 EST 1999 | chartrain

Temperature vs time is what soldering is all about. The faster you run your conveyor, the more heat will have to come from the pot for a given assembly. Example: You heat the board to 200F top side through the preheaters. Eutectic 63/37 melts at 361.

SMT component temperature spec

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 12 04:02:00 EDT 2019 | liyunqiong

SMT reflow soldering temperature setting and process flow:   The influence of SMT reflow process parameters on the key parameters of reflow soldering temperature curve provides reference for the setting and adjustment of reflow soldering process para

temperature profiling for reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 17 03:41:31 EST 2007 | technology

hi guys, tell me how to do temperature profiling on reflow oven with the help of computer. how to use the thermocouple & sensors.

Omniflo 5 high temperature warning

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 02 13:35:29 EDT 2008 | evtimov

Hi, I don;t thing there is an overtemperrature sensor. Just the thermocpouple returns a higher temp(voltage) to the controller and your software goes to alarm, cooldown or what ever it does. Emil

Omniflo 5 high temperature warning

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 01 04:55:20 EDT 2008 | benefon

Hello all Our Omni 5 has given the 'Cooling module high temp' warning twice during the past month. I suspect that the blower motor is the culprit but have not been able to verify this because the oven has started up normally after acknowledging the

Re: high temperature solder alloy

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 08 10:08:48 EDT 1999 | Glenn Robertson

| | | | I have a board, 4 spacers needed to be soldered on the board | | | | first with the normal 62Sn37Pb alloy. Then, capacitors are manually soldered on the boards. The density of the board is quite high. If we wave soldered capacitors first,

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ISVI - Industrial Sensor Vision International Corporation

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