Electronics Forum: pressure 20.control board (Page 1 of 44)

Chip placement pressure check.

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 28 10:29:04 EDT 2004 | dougt

By "placement pressure" I assume you mean force. I don't know of placement machines that have transducers mounted on the placement spindles that actually measure force. We made a board with a force sensor mounted through a hole so that it was the sa

Chip placement pressure check.

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 29 10:35:31 EDT 2004 | dougt

Start with a load cell (force sensor), you will need one that can handle the force range you will be placing. Someone please correct me on this if I'm wrong but I seem to recall that placement force runs in the range of a couple hundred grams. Chec

Solder paste jetting vs time pressure dispensing

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 12:42:16 EDT 2023 | daniel_stanphill

The my700 can dispense 1 million dots per hour. It's not an exaggeration either. It literally never stops moving, and is dispensing without contacting the board. It uses the same type of mathematical calculations that a plane dropping a bomb uses in

What pressure is recommended to clean AMT boards after reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 13:44:23 EDT 2001 | Hussman

Wut-chuw talkin' 'bout Carol? Are you talking about an aqueous wash machine to clean your boards? Well then, I've always liked Electroverts machines. They're modular and seem to do the job well. It all depends on your boards and your process.

What pressure is recommended to clean AMT boards after reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 15:46:38 EDT 2001 | davef

Now that I've blabbered to the edge of coherency [chicks and too many Krispy Kreams make me do that], let me ask ask the salient question. What's an "AMT board"?

What pressure is recommended to clean AMT boards after reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 10 12:51:25 EDT 2001 | Carol Stirling

That's my Typo... couldn't figure out how to fix it. It should read SMT -boards with lots of SMT parts, including PBGA. I'll be more specific next time.... Thanks for the replies.. Carol

What pressure is recommended to clean AMT boards after reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 16:29:52 EDT 2001 | mparker

That would be the elusive typo, check your keyboard, the "A" is right next to the "S". I believe she meant "SMT" boards. Wazzup Dave, your grey matter already shifted into weekend mode? Hoist a pint of Sierra Nevada, if you get that spill in your ne

What pressure is recommended to clean AMT boards after reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 10 13:54:29 EDT 2001 | zbosskc@netscape.net

We currently use 120 psi top pressure and 110 psi bottom pressure using a Westek Triton DI wash and have had no cleanliness issues with any of our vendors and with surface analysis.

What pressure is recommended to clean AMT boards after reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 17:21:34 EDT 2001 | davef

You seem to have slipped and turned to the dark side with Kevin. Straighten-up Mr X-Applications type.

What pressure is recommended to clean AMT boards after reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 15:19:42 EDT 2001 | davef

Watt tiepoo? [Cereally, you can usually fix typos after you post by using the P yellow �edit� button that shows when you are looking at your posting.] We�re had people on SMTnet that were washing their boards with a brush attached to the end of a ga

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