Electronics Forum: pressure sensor (Page 1 of 5)

Chip placement pressure check.

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 28 10:29:04 EDT 2004 | dougt

By "placement pressure" I assume you mean force. I don't know of placement machines that have transducers mounted on the placement spindles that actually measure force. We made a board with a force sensor mounted through a hole so that it was the sa

Chip placement pressure check.

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 29 10:35:31 EDT 2004 | dougt

Start with a load cell (force sensor), you will need one that can handle the force range you will be placing. Someone please correct me on this if I'm wrong but I seem to recall that placement force runs in the range of a couple hundred grams. Chec

Measuring the real pressure applied by Squegee

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 16 15:28:10 EDT 2018 | emeto

If you have pressure sensors in there(most contemporary machines have), value is probably right. It doesn't mean though that the value is correct(see the upper post)


Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 01 07:19:12 EDT 2016 | sachinverma

Dear sir, how check the pressure sensor its software baseed.

Solder Paste Printing

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 03 06:14:18 EDT 2021 | bukas

if blade swapping gives same result try swapping the pressure sensors.

problem with a MPA-80 ( NM 2529-T )

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 26 23:05:29 EST 2003 | tommy

It can be wrong pressure sensor switch setting,malfunction or low incoming air pressure.If incoming air pressure below the setting limit then 1 block stop message will display on screen.

problem with a MPA-80 ( NM 2529-T )

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 27 13:55:13 EST 2003 | fpcb

I put a short-circuit to pressure sensor input AD but the problem remains.

problem with a MPA-80 ( NM 2529-T )

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 27 13:56:00 EST 2003 | fpcb

I put a short-circuit to pressure sensor input AD but the problem remains.


Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 23 15:20:49 EDT 2016 | caurbach

Could be a partially clogged nozzle. Try disassembling the nozzle and thoroughly cleaning it. If that doesn't fix it, see if there are any blockages in your plumbing. If you can't find any blockages, it could be your pressure sensor.

Soldering Issue in Sensor component

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 27 13:16:18 EST 2019 | slthomas

Can you describe the failure mode of the soldering defect, i.e., is it failing to meet the height requirement for a castellated termination due to not wetting of the component terminations, or not wetting the pads sufficiently, or....? We install a

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