Electronics Forum: profiling

vapor phase reflow

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 17 09:28:40 EST 1999 | Steve Z

Hello, I am new to the SMT area and I need to know what a "good" vapor phase reflow profile should look like. The fluids we are using have a BP of 45 C and 219 C. Thanks,

Re: vapor phase reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 19 05:12:21 EST 1999 | Graham Naisbitt

Steve, If you can get me your snail-mail address, I will send you some latest information. We actually have a totally new system called Delta 5. It is Condensation Soldering rather than Vapour phase, the difference being that we solder in an air ti

vapour phase reflow soldering technology

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 30 06:08:09 EST 2002 | nifhail

Can someone pls help to explain what is the vapour phase reflow soldering technology ? Thx, nifhail

vapour phase reflow soldering technology

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 30 12:37:49 EST 2002 | jax

nifhail, In a nutshell: Vapor-phase reflow is a process that uses a fluid with a selected boiling point. As condensation of the hot vapor occurs on a cool assembly the assembly's temperature is rapidly raised to match the temperature of the vapor.

vapour phase reflow soldering technology

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 30 17:48:31 EST 2002 | davef

Expanding on a previous poster's comments ... Vapor Phase Soldering. A solder reflow technology that uses a heated solvent to melt the solder. Buried deep in the recesses of the SMTnet Library is �Terms & Definitions�. We started using vapor phas

vapour phase reflow soldering technology

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 10:57:52 EST 2002 | davef

Yes, that's what people are thinking. The 217�C melting temperature that you mention requires a ~250�C reflow temperature. Generally, boards, legend ink, and components cannot take that temperature. Further, few ovens can produce that temperature

vapour phase reflow soldering technology

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 06:15:46 EST 2002 | nifhail

This can be a solution for IC/BGA soldering for lead-free process isn't it ? See, most of the reflow profile set meets solder paste specification but often violating ICs or BGA requirement. Most of the solder paste required temperature of about 205 -

profiler for vapor phase

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 15 15:19:16 EDT 2011 | dan_ems

Have somebody experience with profiling vapor phase? I must buy a profiler and is very hard for me to decide what to buy. Please help me with a advice. Thanks you.

Vapour phase soldering - problem

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 26 05:22:59 EDT 2009 | grahamcooper22

Hi Sergey, I agree with your probable cause. Maybe if you still have a component you can bake it before reflow to DRY it. Then if the problem doesn't happen in reflow you have surely proved the cause. Consult IPC JEDEC 33B spec for storage and Drying

Vapor phase soldering SIR test

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 23 14:44:08 EST 2009 | sunny

Are boards produced using Vapor phase ovens dirtier than N2 Reflow oven. Are there any studies/papers someone can point to? if not what are the methods to verify this? is IPC specified SIR test using 24B SIR test coupons? please advise. thanks in adv

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