Electronics Forum: python machine learning (Page 1 of 37)

Are there any recommended classes for learning intermediate/advanced concepts in SMT?

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 29 00:54:44 EDT 2024 | ttheis

I literally read almost every thread of value on this forum, read machine manuals and watched as many smt videos, factory tours, etc as I could when we first got into smt assembly for our products in our business years ago. I'm sure there are some cl

UltraSonic cleaning machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 25 10:13:32 EDT 2002 | davef

I don't think 'this a blatant violation of rules' as such. I think it is a blantant disrespect of the principle of free and open communication that is the corner stone of interenet forums and a slap in the face of everyone that wants to learn more a

wave solder machine

Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 17:05:17 EDT 2005 | pde

Also concider if you will be going lead free in the future as conversion can be a added expense. You may think about learning and going lead free from the begnining as the indestry is rapidly moving in this direction.

Underfill machine maintenance

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 11 09:41:12 EST 2005 | Eric C

Thanks for all your inputs. As I read through your responses, and through my research on the web, I have learned there are so many options to try and evaluate. The material we are using is loctite FP4531 - a snap cure flip chip underfill. Loctite ha

Conformal coating machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 11 19:21:32 EST 2023 | SMTA-64387074

PVA and Specialty Coating Systems both have equipment that are easy to program and maintain. It is a spray booth so maintenance needs to be regular or you will have quite the headache. We have a conformal coating line with 2 coaters a board flipper a

SMT machine shift to China

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 17 12:41:12 EST 2007 | Rob

I found the most infuriating attitude was the "if you're not in China you're not in the game" mentality of purchasing professionals. So what if there is a low labour (or labor) content and actually import duty and freight can out weigh this, and the

X-Ray inspection machine purchase guide

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 18 20:57:15 EDT 2020 | dwl

Specs like beam voltage, current and focal point size are important considerations for image quality and you can spend hours going down the rabbit hole learning about them. Fundamentally, what really matters is if you can get an image clear enough to

SMT machine shift to China

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 17 21:56:57 EST 2007 | fastek

Here's why it all goes to China: Americans all want $100 per hour to change a light bulb yet refuse to pay any more than $10 for a cell phone and $500 for a computer. They only want to work 5 days per week, 7 hours a day and get one month off every

What makes the machine lead free

Electronics Forum | Sat May 17 09:12:50 EDT 2008 | davef

Lead-free means expensive tin. Tin is an excellent solvent. So, metal parts in contact with molten tin must be expensive enough to resist that nature of tin. To learn more about this: * Search the fine SMTnet Archives * Look here: "Liquid Tin Corrosi

56mm feeders for Panasonic MPA P&P machine

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 18 14:58:59 EDT 2002 | Claude_Couture

Just to add my 2 cents on the adjustment of pitch on MPA feeders: True: Panasonic do not make it easy to change the pitch on MPA feeders, the thickness of a metal part is what sets the pitch. My solution: for example, I get a 24mm X 12mm pitch MPA

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python machine learning searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Formic Reflow Soldering

High Precision Fluid Dispensers
Solder Paste Dispensing

Wave Soldering 101 Training Course
PCB Handling with CE

Software programs for SMT placement and AOI Inspection machines from CAD or Gerber.
High Throughput Reflow Oven

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SMT feeders

Reflow Soldering 101 Training Course
Electronic Solutions R3

"Heller Korea"