Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 21 11:35:47 EST 2002 | hannahsd
We had several 4c's before we put them out to pasture. From my experience they are easy to make program adjustments, but like the previous person responded the auto programmer did not work for us. We had laser coplanarity check as an addition to th
Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 15 17:36:45 EST 2002 | jonfox
First of all, who are you buying it from? If it is not coming with any coverage (parts or tech support) from Tyco, don't make this your first one. They can adjust to just about anything you can program on them (big plus) but I would recommend havin
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 17 04:07:49 EDT 2017 | arachid
Hi, i have a quad 4c, i like to know is it posible to add an automatic paste dispencer for this pick and place machine? if yes every body can helpme to find one and find how to install it? Thanks
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 21:17:41 EDT 2017 | arachid
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbQK3-JwUNQ > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbQK3-JwUNQ Hi, where can i get price and where i can buy the kit.6 Thanks
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 02 13:13:17 EST 2006 | MAZINK
Does any one know about QSV ! PLUS
Electronics Forum | Mon May 16 17:58:54 EDT 2005 | ??
Are you sure you dont mean quad 100. The software for a quad 1000 (which was a samsung machine) was not available on disks or to install......I dont recall ever seeing it on a disk. If its a quad 100, you would need version cc5.6d central controller
Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 12 17:34:40 EST 2011 | pnitin
hi pete what is the version of control software you have ?? I am running 7.39 or so, if you have higher version and can share it will be nice regards and thanks
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 31 11:17:20 EDT 2006 | slthomas
FWIW, we don't have any for ours, nor have I ever heard of any.
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 00:40:19 EDT 2012 | ngineer
I have a problem setting up the LAE on my Quad 4c. I set it up for 0805, and it seems to work, although it rejects a lot of parts, at least it places "most" of them. I tried setting up on a soic14, and could not get even one to pass. I believe I h