Electronics Forum: quad and uk (Page 1 of 16)

quad qsp

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 01 08:49:51 EDT 2010 | davef

Look here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/10473495.stm

Advice on used pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 09 07:50:22 EDT 2006 | quad

We currently run two Quad IVC's (we are very pleased with them) and two Versatronics for simple small volume batch work. We now need an additional machine capable of placing components at least three times as quickly as a IVC. We don't do anything ve

SMTECH pro's and con's

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 30 18:17:16 EDT 2001 | ianlg

Hi Barry Unable to assist on specifics but I can tell you that some 74 100is machines were built. The majority residing in China Imported in by Wong King Kong Ltd ( Johnson lee Tel 00852 2357 8888 ) Most are at either Flextronics or Roslare. You mi

New Pick and Place Operation

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 03 13:11:02 EDT 2004 | Scott B

We had an existing Mydata MY15 line and inherited 2 Quad lines (QSP2 and QSX1). We eventually had to get rid of the 2 Quads (major software and hardware issues) and have replaced these two machines with an addition single Mydata MY15 and are getting

Re: SMT Pick and Place

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 06 15:39:53 EDT 1998 | andy jones

I am the UK sales manager for Europlacer and therefore biased. However our Europlacer range would be perfectly suited to your application. We supply as standard intelligent feeders so barcoding etc is no problem. please contact me on my e-mail addre

Multitroniks, Quad System and Tyco Info

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 31 22:22:09 EDT 2001 | davef

Multitronics machines, in their lastest incarnation, previously were Dynapert machines. A largely UK phenomenon. It's unclear that Multitromics made much US market penitration since their acquistion of Dynapert a couple of years ago.

Multitroniks, Quad System and Tyco Info

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 06 15:54:06 EDT 2001 | Fox

I think that anyone who has any questions about Tyco Electronics' offerings as far as equipment should check out their new web site: automation.tycoelectronics.com One other note about the references to Dynapert equipment and their link to Multitron

Multitroniks, Quad System and Tyco Info

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 01 21:09:38 EDT 2001 | jbull

Gentleman, I very much appreciate the Multitronks history lesson. But does anyone have any experience with the current day Multitroniks offerings. I understand they may have machines installed in the UK but does anyone in the US have any experiences

Multitroniks, Quad System and Tyco Info

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 01 09:36:17 EDT 2001 | Pete Barton

Jay, > > I agree with your assement and Chips on > the Quads. I once worked at a shop that had Quads > and DynaPerts(at the time) The perts were > slower(TIME) and required(EFFORT/PEOPLE) more > MAINTENANCE(more effort more people and more > re

Rohs and WEEE

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 01 09:57:55 EST 2005 | davef

Rohs and WEEE are good intentioned, wrong-headed Eurolander legislation that impacts the electronic industry worldwide. Look here: * http://www.dti.gov.uk/sustainability/pdfs/finalrohs.pdf * http://www.dti.gov.uk/sustainability/pdfs/finalweee.pdf *

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