Electronics Forum: quad limit switch (Page 1 of 19)

quad 4c

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 27 18:10:41 EST 2002 | andrewbrook

Quad4C's have their moments. If the price is right and you are aware of the machines limitations then you will be satisfied. The placement rate is slow, 1.2 seconds/chip. Don't buy any Quad if it has the CyberOptics Laser unit, the Quadalign unit is

Quad IVc limit error

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 11 06:54:03 EDT 2011 | mosborne1

Wipe off your linear scales and clean your quadalign lense.

Quad IVc limit error

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 19 14:58:05 EDT 2011 | rdoss

The ribbon cable would be my guess. I ran a IVc for about 3 years and we use to have to change out our cable at least once per year. I also wanted to add that you can contact Precision Placement Machines (PPM) for parts and service. We use to use

Quad IVc limit error

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 08 21:39:17 EDT 2011 | jimlas53

Hi, We have a Quad IVc set up with all picks, placements, and sequence working. I have managed to get through several passes with some pain, mainly from SOT-23 parts, but it is getting better. On occasion, when picking from one of three feeders loc

Quad IVc limit error

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 11 15:57:25 EDT 2011 | bobpan

If the feeders that you are having problems with have tall parts in them.....and these are the ones the machine is stopping on.....check to see that you are not scanning higher than what your function 30 nozzle height is. In other words...if your fun

Quad IVc limit error

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 11 08:27:10 EDT 2011 | leemeyer

I have had similar problems before where the machine will intermittently stop with a limit error. Reset the machine and away it goes. Replacing the ribbon cable that runs from the head (37 pin D-sub)has solved this problem. This cable gets flexed a l

quad 1000 error

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 19 10:53:43 EST 2006 | bobpan

Walter, Read what i posted above about switching the dip switch 8 on dip 1. That will probably solve your problem but once again....make sure you write down all your machine settings because everything will be reset.

quad 1000 error

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 13 19:07:57 EDT 2005 | bobpan

Mike, Right down all the settings you have for your machine (this may take a while). Also back up the programs you want to save. Now....if i can remember correctly.....when looking into the black computer box from the back of the machine...in your bo

GSM PWC, calibration issue? PWC axis hits limit switch when setting board width.

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 19 15:23:31 EST 2016 | ttheis

RESOLVED I adjusted the "Minimum Board Width" in the Board Handling Configuration to resolve this issue. I set the lane width to a larger value which did not hit the front limit and measured the difference between the actual lane width and the set l

GSM PWC, calibration issue? PWC axis hits limit switch when setting board width.

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 19 11:13:02 EST 2016 | ttheis

I'm setting up a product for the first time on my GSM after I completed debugging some other issues. The previous owners had the PWC axis disabled and the axis motor disconnected, so I re-connected it and enabled it and now it homes and moves. When I

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