Electronics Forum: recomended soak (Page 1 of 1)

25 mil QFP soldering issue

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 27 11:32:20 EDT 2004 | dwanzek

Thanks for the input guys. One problem with this theory, we see the same failure using Omni 5000 solder paste. We also see this problem across 4 production lines, suggesting it is not oven related. The profile meets recomendations and we have tried

SMT Reflow

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 30 21:21:57 EST 2005 | Kwon Jun Kwak

any use the ramp, soak and spike profile methode, or with lead free using the straight ramp approach? What most paste manufactures recomended?

Re: ref: tombstoning on chip capacitors

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 13 07:30:09 EDT 2000 | Christopher Lampron

I agree with Nick. You should check with the manufacturer to determine what type of plating is used on the components and see if the manufacturer has any recomendations on materials that may help. If no exotic materials are used, the culprit is most

Soldering to hard gold

Electronics Forum | Mon May 20 15:43:01 EDT 2013 | ngotranbestek

Hi I meet problem by PCB with diameter 300cm and thick 6mm i used tin-lead with profile normal, soak time 60-90 sec, Temp peak is 220 degree C, But solder see not good, not shiny. Any body recomend help me to fix this problem for Hard gold playing.

BGA Rework - Pads being lifted

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 06 11:46:10 EDT 2009 | c111

I agree the longer soak will help provided you are not applying to much heat/time to the board now. -are the pads that lift connected to anything? This has happened to me in the past where un-connected pads would come of far easier than those connec

Package on Package ( TI: OMAP3503DCBC)

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 26 16:41:05 EDT 2010 | sai

I have been trying to get the profile right for this part(OMAP3503DCBC) , but still struggle. I'm using the Herller 1809 MKIII oven. I look at the profile recomended by TI and still issue with the solder ball collaps and wetting. My peak temp @256

Re: Oven Temperature for Solder Reflow

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 05 10:40:38 EDT 1999 | John Thorup

| What oven temperature should be used to reflow solder (Sn63Pb37) on a PC board (0.075" to 0.100" thickness) in 5 to 10 minutes? Profiling - tedious but important. As said, start with the paste manufacturers recomendation which is usually publishe

Re: Oven Temperature for Solder Reflow

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 07 11:33:55 EDT 1999 | JohnW

| | What oven temperature should be used to reflow solder (Sn63Pb37) on a PC board (0.075" to 0.100" thickness) in 5 to 10 minutes? | | Profiling - tedious but important. As said, start with the paste manufacturers recomendation which is usually pu

Re: Oven Temperature for Solder Reflow

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 08 20:59:55 EDT 1999 | Dreamsniper

| | | What oven temperature should be used to reflow solder (Sn63Pb37) on a PC board (0.075" to 0.100" thickness) in 5 to 10 minutes? | | | | Profiling - tedious but important. As said, start with the paste manufacturers recomendation which is usua


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