Electronics Forum: reeling (Page 1 of 130)

De reeling ICs

Electronics Forum | Mon May 08 09:52:09 EDT 2006 | charles Stringer

We currently use Siplace P & P machines and in the main prefer to pick SOIC ICs from stick vibratory feeders. Our reason for this is that we can fit 3 stick fed devices into the same space as one reel fed SOIC. This reduces the amount of setup we hav

De reeling ICs

Electronics Forum | Mon May 08 11:16:57 EDT 2006 | russ

This is a first!!!! No idea how to automate.

De reeling ICs

Electronics Forum | Fri May 12 19:12:16 EDT 2006 | GS

try to ask ISMECA http://www.ismeca.com Regards...........GS

De reeling ICs

Electronics Forum | Fri May 12 05:39:56 EDT 2006 | charles Stringer

I have to do 15 job changes a day! A typical batch is one or two panels. I fully agree with your comments about reduced opportunity for error and we have to work hard to keep these to a minimum. However if I put all my ICs onto reel I will need anoth

De reeling ICs

Electronics Forum | Mon May 08 22:11:53 EDT 2006 | Smartasp

We are fighting with the Purchase department not to buy stick feeders and you want to do the oposite. Wow. It takes for us less time to setup one feeder than 3 sticks. Furthermore you have to continually replenish the parts in the stick. On top of th

Multi-part reeling for pick and place

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 17 20:28:26 EDT 2004 | Shawn L

Bottom line is to stay away from attempting to sequence different part number in the same reel. You are asking for trouble with this approach. Work on operator training, efficiencies and organization. Best of Luck, Shawn

Multi-part reeling for pick and place

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 22 10:17:11 EDT 2005 | Jose

Do you know how to obtain feeder loading sheet from CircuitCAM?

Multi-part reeling for pick and place

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 15 22:24:48 EDT 2004 | rohman23

I am interested in getting feedback from anyone who has or is reeling different parts on the same reel for pick and place. Our department is extremely high mix, extremely low volume. I am also very new to surface mount, and any experience with this

Multi-part reeling for pick and place

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 16 09:03:40 EDT 2004 | russ

A couple of thoughts, 1. buy larger quantity reels and load more trays of the same P/N if your problem is replenishing the machine. 2. If you're talking about changeover I would suggest that the feeders be set up in the kitting process and deliverd

Multi-part reeling for pick and place

Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 18 14:01:25 EDT 2004 | KEN

Unfortunately, smt machines are not like TH sequencers. But, that is in their favor. Multiple reels, multiple part types, many positions = very flexible. Offline setup is paramount to line utilization. Remember, you only make money when the machi

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