Electronics Forum: reflow blower setting (Page 1 of 87)

Reflow temperature setting

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 08 04:31:24 EDT 2006 | vasily

Hi First I think you have to analize your PCB design. Heavy weight components should be gathered on one side of PCB. As I think, if you want to reflow both sides simultaneously there might be a problem. A chance that large components will drop off

Reflow temperature setting

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 08 01:52:16 EDT 2006 | ec

Hi, Is there any special temperature setting for example , bottom temp should be lower than top temp to prevent component drop. Or any information that can help to prevent component from drop off during reflow of top side.

Reflow temperature setting

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 08 03:40:32 EDT 2006 | aj

Hi, I use convection reflow and both top & bottom settings are the same. Is the part too heavy to rely on surface tension? there is an equation that can determine this (aswell as real test i.e. part falling off) We have some SIM Card holders on bot

Reflow temperature setting

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 08 17:21:31 EDT 2006 | PWH

EC - I hope you don't mind that I add to your question... We are running lead free assemblies now and parts that normally hang on upside down are falling off. Any advice on this from others new to lead free?

Reflow temperature setting

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 09 04:21:20 EDT 2006 | rlackey

Hi EC, there was an in depth post dealing with this back in 2000 from the now legendary Bob Willis: http://www.smtnet.com//forums/index.cfm?fuseaction=view_thread&CFApp=1&Thread_ID=1468&#Message6342 Cheers, Rob.

COB setting for Electrolytic & Electroless Gold

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 19 05:46:45 EDT 2010 | hhpcb

IR reflow bottom side-> COB Will 2 times IR reflow affect COB bonding process? Appreciate any kind of feedback from you guys..

Need help for setting up an assembly line

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 20 17:19:43 EDT 2006 | chrisgriffin

Yeah, and I would love to see a data sheet on the great Bahodium solder and the "Advanced Heat Radiation and Gasification". I'll stick with my so-called "reflow" process.

Need help for setting up an assembly line

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 21 13:51:36 EDT 2006 | chrisgriffin

I would go with a 7-zone oven. A 5-zone oven would get you by, but for a little more you could get a 7-zone that will handle a more challenging reflow process as will as more volume.

Need help for setting up an assembly line

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 21 22:09:22 EDT 2006 | Nathan

Dear All, Thanks for your help. I'm not clear that when you mention the number of zones of the reflow, says 8-zones, do you refer to the total number of heater zones (both top and bottom) without cooling zone? Hi Russ, the P&P model I mentioned is

Need help for setting up an assembly line

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 22:19:40 EDT 2006 | Nathan

Dear All, We plan to setup an assembly line for our small volume production of PCBs (about couple hundred PCBs per week). The board has about 150 components (less than 30 types) and a few BGA and IC (majority is SMT, only few THT connectors). We hav

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