Electronics Forum: reflow cem1 (Page 1 of 1)

Disposition on Discoloration of Boards post reflow

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 26 08:40:21 EST 2013 | vileo72

Hi , During one of NPI trial ,we found that boards ( CEM -1 grade )has got discolored on the masking portion ( and not on the conductors) after reflow .Although it does not impact our Form /Fit and Function characteristics , I would like to get your

Re: Printed Circuit Board Material

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 18 16:41:35 EDT 2000 | Dave F

It's unrealistic to think that two materials with the following disperant properties would have the same reflow profile. From http://www.norplex.com/Carrier.htm Physical Properties / NEMA FR-4 / NEMA CEM-1 Glass transition temperature �C / 130 / 10

White residue after cleaning with IPA

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 25 20:17:40 EST 2003 | ramanandkini

We are soldering a 8 pin TTL chip on to a CEM1 board that has a hot air level soldering. We use no clean soler paste for the reflow process. Now the customer wants us to clean since he is afraid of flux attracting the dust. We have some SMT LEDs that

Rephrase : mixed technology criteria.

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 09 09:50:04 EDT 1999 | Ken Fong

Hi, We are using mixed technology in our PCBA. Would like to know whether there is any criteria governing/guiding the use of mixed technology in such aspects as: 1. Some SMDs cannot be used in some kind of PCB materials such as FR1? 2. Some SMDs are

Porosity in Good Plating

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 04 21:09:04 EDT 2003 | ramanandkini

I have a CEM-1 PCB board with 35 microns copper. This is PCB is finished with SMOBC+HALS. We do solder SMT LEDs, but till date we do not have problems that you have listed. The LEDs are good & bright. It even passed high & low temp cycle tests (-40 t

Re: Rephrase : mixed technology criteria.

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 11 13:44:29 EDT 1999 | Dave F

Ken: Since Earl is no longer here, I guess I'll bite on this. Your questions are very broad and difficult to answer specifically. So, I'll give you broad and non-specific answers. | Hi, | | We are using mixed technology in our PCBA. Would like to


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