Electronics Forum | Mon May 15 11:03:13 EDT 2006 | Pitt Bull
Can lead free components/assemblies be contaminated if reflowed in a reflow oven for leaded process?
Electronics Forum | Sun May 21 19:18:52 EDT 2006 | grantp
Hi, I think you should be ok, as the contamination in a reflow oven is generally flux from what I have seen. I have never heard to the solder metals itself being inside the oven apart from some paste in hole we did that sometimes dropped a bit of so
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 07 13:15:06 EDT 2015 | markhoch
You can most certainly use the same reflow oven for both leaded and lead-free pastes. Obviously your thermal profiles will be different, as the lead-free paste should have a higher reflow temp. As long as your oven has adequate exhaust and flux manag
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 06 07:37:01 EDT 2015 | m_imtiaz
can we use same reflow oven for lead free and leaded solder paste, is there any chance of lead contamination in lead-free products.
Electronics Forum | Tue May 16 07:32:05 EDT 2006 | aj
Contaminate your Leadfree Process with WHAT? What contamination are you concerned about? Its an oven - it doesnt care what you put in it... Your main concern is that you can achieve the desired Leadfree Profile...dont be confused or concerned whe
Electronics Forum | Thu May 18 10:42:41 EDT 2006 | stepheniii
I don't think so. But I want to point out the amount of lead needed to contaminate a joint is microscopic. You won't have lead vapour in your oven and with a clean oven there probably isn't any other way for even a microscopic amount of lead to con
Electronics Forum | Sat May 20 22:09:43 EDT 2006 | Ola
Interesting... We had visitors from (maybe out of space) that claims that the fumes!!! from whithin the reflow leadead solder process in an oven can get caught inside the oven during time and later on when we fire up the beast to the lead free temp-p
Electronics Forum | Tue May 16 07:03:54 EDT 2006 | smtspecialist
I have only one reflow oven can I use it for both processes (leaded and lead-free)? If I do use it, one run for leaded and the next run for lead-free will that contaminate my lead-free process?
Electronics Forum | Tue May 16 05:07:27 EDT 2006 | aj
Hi, I might have misunderstood your question but as far as I am aware a Leadfree Reflow Oven is exactly the same other than the adjustments required for your Profile... aj...
Electronics Forum | Tue May 16 07:44:42 EDT 2006 | Chunks
Hi smtspecialist (man I gotta get me a name soon), NO! Your oven cannot contaminate your process. Unless you have flux residues dripping on your board, there is nothing to worry about. Now having your operators switch from leaded to lead-free smo