Electronics Forum: reflow oven venting exhaust setting (Page 1 of 4)

reflow oven venting

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 27 18:07:39 EDT 2009 | burb1999

Have 8" metal exhaust going out the oven to the roof and no filter or flow meter. Have used a filter and flow meter before, anyone have any info on this or where to purchase the needed items? Thanx, Todd

reflow oven venting

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 27 22:48:48 EDT 2009 | fulldrawmike

Have 8" metal exhaust going out the oven to the > roof and no filter or flow meter. Have used a > filter and flow meter before, anyone have any > info on this or where to purchase the needed > items? > > Thanx, Todd McMaster Carr has just abo

Reflow oven exhaust down

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 06 17:24:04 EST 2008 | blnorman

We had a vent block up not too long ago ourselves. Saw multiple solderjoints, especially on fine pitch micros, that looked like they had alligator toes. We solder bump, so it was obvious that area didn't get hot enough to liquify the solder and hav

Reflow oven exhaust down

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 04 09:42:57 EST 2008 | tonyamenson

I just discovered my reflow oven exhaust had no suction and I'm fixing it now. What I want to know is what happened to my process. FYI. The exhaust from my other oven was getting kicked back into the faulty oven because of this loss of suction. The

CFM requirements for Heller 1500 reflow oven exhaust

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 23 18:25:12 EDT 2008 | shanenaturalpoint

I just purchased a used Heller 1500 reflow oven for an SMT line that I am ting up. Looking for the CFM requirements for my exhaust venting. Does anyone out there have any information on what the minimum requirements are for pumping this exhaust out

Re: oven ventilation requirements

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 05 10:13:44 EDT 1999 | Boca

| We are installing a new reflow oven and I have been told that we do not need to vent the exhaust out through the roof since we have a false ceiling. All that is required is to vent above the false ceiling and that the air exchange is great enough t

oven ventilation requirements

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 04 14:56:05 EDT 1999 | Brian

We are installing a new reflow oven and I have been told that we do not need to vent the exhaust out through the roof since we have a false ceiling. All that is required is to vent above the false ceiling and that the air exchange is great enough tha

Re: oven ventilation requirements

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 04 16:55:32 EDT 1999 | Doug

| We are installing a new reflow oven and I have been told that we do not need to vent the exhaust out through the roof since we have a false ceiling. All that is required is to vent above the false ceiling and that the air exchange is great enough t

Re: oven ventilation requirements

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 05 11:27:43 EDT 1999 | Wolfgang Busko

| | We are installing a new reflow oven and I have been told that we do not need to vent the exhaust out through the roof since we have a false ceiling. All that is required is to vent above the false ceiling and that the air exchange is great enough

Re: oven ventilation requirements

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 04 16:43:58 EDT 1999 | John Thorup

| We are installing a new reflow oven and I have been told that we do not need to vent the exhaust out through the roof since we have a false ceiling. All that is required is to vent above the false ceiling and that the air exchange is great enough t

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