Electronics Forum: reflow soldering double sided bga heavy components (Page 1 of 7)

Re: double sided reflow

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 22 11:01:54 EDT 2000 | Chrys Shea

Jason, Double sided reflow should be no problem. People have been doing it for years. The surface tension of the molten solder will hold the components on the bottom side during your second pass. This is almost always the case, unless you have re

Re: double sided reflow

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 22 11:02:13 EDT 2000 | Chrys Shea

Jason, Double sided reflow should be no problem. People have been doing it for years. The surface tension of the molten solder will hold the components on the bottom side during your second pass. This is almost always the case, unless you have re

Reflow profiling of double sided assemblies

Electronics Forum | Fri May 24 19:18:03 EDT 2013 | hegemon

The formula is a great help, where was it 20 years ago? LOL After running a few thousand different products over the years, you start to get a feel for what is going to be trouble with regards to falling off the bottomside during the secondary refl

Reflowing BGA's 2x on a double sided board

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 01 11:47:20 EST 2007 | Wagoner

Run the lead free BGA side first. Then run the tin lead side second. We do this on some boards so that we don't overheat the components on the second side. There is no reason that the lead free solder needs to reflow on the second pass.

Reflowing BGA's 2x on a double sided board

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 02 09:08:25 EST 2007 | samir

There is a formula that determines whether a component will fall off during a 2nd reflow. It takes into account the grams (weight) of the component and the total surface area of the solder joints. I don't know this off the top of my head, but it's

Reflowing BGA's 2x on a double sided board

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 01 12:08:33 EST 2007 | rob_thomas

It sounds like something is a little off here. ROHS compatible and ROHS capable parts are going to be ok with a leaded solder paste and processing unless you are building high reliability product.( some are going to argue that even high rel products

Double sided BGA assembly

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 13 10:58:58 EDT 2009 | davef

First piece of advice: build the board as you would any other board. Probably, you will be surprised at the holding force of the solder of the connections of the BGA, because the surface area of the solder is very large compared to the weight of the

Re: Simutaneous Double sided reflow assy

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 20 17:01:26 EDT 2000 | Bob Willis

Here is some further information on SDSRS process, but please purchase a copy of the report from t he SMTA as all the money goes to charity. In the UK the SMART Group raised over �3000 for the homeless. SMTA have been raising a lot of money for the G

UBLOX Tim-4A reflow problem

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 08 19:09:44 EST 2006 | darby

I have just started production run using this component. After reflow I see that there is an undercut of solder between the pcb and the lead instead of a fillet. This means that some of the leads are sitting above the solder with no wetting to the co

Seeking very low volume production reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Mon May 01 23:23:58 EDT 2006 | grantp

Hi, I off center idea we used when we started. Get a pasta cooker, and put in vapor phase fluid, and then use that. Place the product in the bottom of the inner pot, and then heat on a small hot plate. When the vapor cloud gets high enough and the

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