Electronics Forum: research (Page 1 of 80)

Tape Reel Sizes -Info needed for research

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 23 14:25:24 EDT 2003 | govi

Hi, I am a grad student workin on SMT placement optimization and i am exploring the possibility of utilizing unused slots and assigning multiple feeder slots for a component type on a chip shooting machine. so far my optimization model has shown very

Comment on SMT research and WP sales

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 30 16:26:50 EDT 1998 | Ben Salisbury

I use both companies, and happen to hit witch ever one can get me the cheapest price. As far as customer service, both are incredible. As far as services, each has it's strong points over the other. Give both a call and decide for your self... which

Tape Reel Sizes -Info needed for research

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 23 16:04:20 EDT 2003 | DG

There are some variations on how many parts are on a reel. A couple of distributors we use state it as a +/- 1% on a reel of 10,000. This only applies to chip parts (R's & C's) Most I.C.'s on Tape and reel are counted very accurately due to the pric

Researching stencil cleaners

Electronics Forum | pzohbon |

Tue Mar 27 16:51:21 EST 2001

Re: Vertical Cure Ovens

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 17 16:50:57 EST 1999 | Dave

Research Int'l does indeed make one - the Tower. They can be found at www.research-intl.com.

Need Lead-Free informations

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 05 08:57:54 EST 2003 | pbarton

Soldertec (NPL) in the UK has a lot of research information on this. Try: http://www.tintechnology.biz/research_projects.aspx?websiteid=2

Research International Oven Help

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 18 15:16:16 EST 2013 | edmneb

Anyone familiar with the Research International Microflo 11 Series ovens? Having an issue with the machine not loading Status.dat at startup. Any ideas? Thanks!

Welcome To CBAR and the Georgia Institute of Technology

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 10 12:28:24 EST 2000 | Keith Luke

SMTnet extends a warm welcome to the Center for Board Assembly Research (CBAR)at the Georgia Institute of Technology who have joined with SMTnet to provide access to the Electronics Forum through the school's web site. SMTnet is pleased to cooperate

Re: solution for gold cleaning

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 21 12:41:35 EDT 2000 | jackofalltrades

Cicuit Repair Corporation 45 research Dr. Havenhill, MA 01832 Phone# 978-374-5000

Welcome To CBAR and the Georgia Institute of Technology

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 10 12:28:24 EST 2000 | Keith Luke

SMTnet extends a warm welcome to the Center for Board Assembly Research (CBAR)at the Georgia Institute of Technology who have joined with SMTnet to provide access to the Electronics Forum through the school's web site. SMTnet is pleased to cooperate

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