Electronics Forum: resources (Page 1 of 49)

Help with resources for SMT assembly

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 01 12:33:38 EDT 2015 | gregoryyork

Happy to help please do not hesitate to contact us we will send one of our Engineers in if need be. We also do a Solder Paste heat stable to 50C for non refrigerated use. BLT Circuit Services Ltd

Help with resources for SMT assembly

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 24 13:03:20 EDT 2015 | mikekeens

With regards to PCB surface finish I would recommend Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold (ENIG) because of the long shelf life, tarnish resistance, RoHS-compliance, and easy soldering compared to other surface finishes. http://www.surfacemountprocess.

Help with resources for SMT assembly

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 25 18:35:33 EDT 2015 | orbitcoms

I am looking for information regarding setting up an SMT assembly line. I have recently purchased a stencil paste printer, pick and place, and reflow oven. The main information I need is the paste selection and best finish material on the PCBs. I wil

Help with resources for SMT assembly

Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 26 07:09:25 EDT 2015 | orbitcoms

Thank you for your prompt response. The boards we have made for us current are Immersed Gold treated because we have been hand soldering and needed flat finish that would solder ok without tarnishing too quickly. I will take a look at the link you pr

Help with resources for SMT assembly

Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 26 05:56:28 EDT 2015 | spoiltforchoice

http://www.surfacemountprocess.com/solder-paste-printing-process.html this site has some pretty good general advice for the novice. I am in no way affiliated with it and I have no idea as to its eventual commerical aims (if any). ENIG if your produc

Re: Online resource suggestions

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 29 09:11:56 EDT 1999 | Dave F

Jeff: Try: assembly.net pcbworld.something or other probably com Ta Dave F

Need Metal Baking Tubes

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 27 16:45:22 EDT 1998 | Eric Jenkins

Need a resource for metal tubes to bake moisture sensitive devices. Eric Jenkins

trough-put and cycle times

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 08 20:43:58 EDT 2002 | davef

Regardless of the design technology of the board, we use shop floor management software that: * Calculates the period that it takes to assemble a job. Obviously, we enter product-manufacturing information [ie, BOM, material receipt dates, process fl

Solder joints/inspection

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 18 15:05:00 EDT 2002 | dragonslayr

go to IPC.org website. there are many resources there to help you on your way.

SMD process tutorial

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 08 13:28:48 EDT 2004 | dasal

A great compiled resource exists at http://www.smtinfocus.com

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