Electronics Forum: right side (Page 1 of 60)

Regarding the choosing of right Suface Finishing

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 29 02:57:05 EDT 2015 | jandon

Immersion tin is very sensitive for handling, scratches, storage condition and time, thermal influence and washing. You will get problems in second reflow if you have double sided PCB with immersion tin surface finish.

Packing material, the right track ?

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 23 20:51:15 EDT 2001 | davef

Every thing you need is in "links" here http://packaging.hp.com/. The only thing you need to do now is find it. Ah, so much information, so little time. Yeh yeh yeh, nice little ESD bags are good. Er, maybe sealed barrier bags might be better. E

Changing a DEK 265 Horizon to right to left

Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 14 16:46:38 EDT 2019 | rob1

I'm working on A DEK 265 Horizon and I need to convert it to right to left. I have changed the conveyor direction in software, however, the board stop position appears to be from 0 to 255 and I need it stop on the left hand side of the centre referen

Bottom side process question

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 16 13:50:16 EST 2001 | mparker

Shadowing sounds about right to me also. Really dicey experiment to run if you are dropping expensive tantalums just to save a little coin in epoxy and processing time.

double side reflow soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu May 16 15:31:50 EDT 2002 | cebukid

Sounds like this 'Hussmann ' character is taking credit for my findings again. You'd "fit right in" where I work. Heh he hehe hehe.

AOI side angle cameras

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 14 07:37:31 EDT 2009 | tony_d

Hello Reese, We currently own two MIRTEC MV-3 desktop machines and one MV-7 inline machine (so you can tell right away that I am a little biased.) We had an opportunity to evaluate both the YESTech and MIRTEC machines on our production floor. The

Re: Reflow oven for solder side components??

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 13 10:19:35 EDT 1999 | Boca

| | We are using a mixed technology process with mostly through-hole parts plus some SMT IC's on the component side and some passive SMT parts on the solder side. We do not have a proper wave soldering machine for doing solder side SMT (double wave

Double sided SMT, bottom side first or top side first ?

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 04 13:32:17 EST 2003 | MA/NY DDave

Hi Unless I am missing something, None if done right. YiEng, MA/NY DDave

Glue & Paste Printing on Same side of the PCB

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 06 11:07:37 EDT 2002 | slthomas

OK, I'll bite. How you can set a stencil down on a printed board and run a squeegee across it (even if it's a proflow head, it's still a squeegee, right?) without disturbing the printed paste?

Which side of PCB should be prefered for screening...

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 18 18:36:59 EDT 2001 | mparker

... and don't forget proper stencil alignment. Invariably I find most bridging problems for fine pitch parts, etc. is caused by lousy alignment. The alignment must be verified under magnification, using the naked eye is not good enough. Use at least

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