Electronics Forum: rocket (Page 1 of 7)

cover tape tearing

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 30 10:49:57 EDT 2008 | wavemasterlarry

we aint building rockets here sister.

cover tape tearing

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 12 12:37:43 EDT 2008 | markhoch

Speak for yourself there Larry. Some of us are building rockets.


Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 21 20:11:55 EDT 2010 | whitewing

Thanks all. But why the hell don't they just print the pitch on the trays...? Hardly rocket science!

SMT Quality Standards (Where, Who, What)

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 23 16:07:11 EDT 2003 | davef

There are no standards, nor should there be. Why would you want assess the quality requirements for an underhood product upon a company that makes talking furballs? We find that for the largest part, the approach taken by the rocket scientist that

What Else Are They Good For?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 20 21:00:12 EDT 2001 | davef

While not quite on the level of rocket science [or entering into the purchase equation], we use xray to incoming inspect tubes of components to check that all the components are oriented head to tail.


Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 10 22:05:49 EDT 2001 | davef

Preheating sounds good to me. Look here to get started http://www.smtnet.com//forums/index.cfm?fuseaction=view_thread&CFApp=1&Thread_ID=1619&#Message6792& While little of this applies to inorganic boards, it doesn't a rocket scientist to make the e

Criteria for thermocouple wire attachment

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 21 10:01:16 EST 2006 | Robot X-Pert

You guys treat this profiling nonsense like rocket science. Here's how easy it is to "reflow" and "profile". http://www.seattlerobotics.org/encoder/200006/oven_art.htm

Studie of the RoHS directive

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 18 15:00:03 EST 2008 | patrickbruneel

European rocket science!!!! A 189 page report to conclude that if you ban something you will use less of it. http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/environment/reports_studies/studies/draft_rep_study_rohs_directive_dec07.pdf

Soldering Method for Ribbon Cable

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 05 21:01:57 EDT 2012 | davef

Hey, I'd try it. Well maybe not me personally, but one of the peeps, one with some touch and skill. Buying, setting-up and using a hot bar soldering machine is not rocket science, but who needs it, if you don't have to?

AOI systems

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 29 20:39:37 EST 2001 | peterson

AOI systems are a LONG way from being practical. You might impress potential customers (if you are a contract manufacturer) But they are basically an over-priced gimmick. Get your processes in line, buy a good 3D paste height checker, verify componen

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