Electronics Forum: rogers 4003 (Page 1 of 1)

Rogers 4003 and RF

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 06 17:17:13 EST 2000 | gary

I need a little help with RF and Rogers 4003 board material. My background was in digital and now I need to set up a new line to make small RF products (.5" x .5" or smaller). I want to find out about board platings, finishes/maskings and reasonable

Rogers 4003 and RF

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 06 17:17:13 EST 2000 | gary

I need a little help with RF and Rogers 4003 board material. My background was in digital and now I need to set up a new line to make small RF products (.5" x .5" or smaller). I want to find out about board platings, finishes/maskings and reasonable

ROGER 4003C bounding to Aluminum

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 21 02:31:27 EDT 2010 | rok

OGER 4003C bounding to Aluminum I am hoping someone might have the solution to my problem I have the following PCB: RO4003 Thickness: .2mm Layer: top single/ bottom ground plane Finish: silver top and bottom .2um Size: 3mmx6mm I need to bound/groun


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