Electronics Forum: rotary screw compressor (Page 1 of 1)

Help! Samsung CP45 and CP63 Problems

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 11 15:21:12 EDT 2005 | Hoss

Sean, If the machines use more than the spec'd 8CFM, are not leaking and work fine otherwise, I wouldn't disqualify them on that basis alone. You may be exceeding the duty cycle rating of your compressor and not necessarily the volume. If Samsung

Air Volume / Quality requirements for Yamaha YS100 and YVL88 Machines?

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 05 20:18:13 EDT 2016 | sarason

I checked the spec sheet and it gives pressure and no volume. The volume on one of my older Yamaha's was about 2.7 CFM. That corresponds roughly to the volume of a small 2HP compressor at your local hardware store. You can place on of these in a smal


Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 08 12:20:51 EDT 2012 | swag

We have a Kaeser AS-25 screw compressor with Kaiser air dryer + cylinders. The system has a water catch prior to delivering air to the dryer that automatically "spits" to a drain. It's not fool proof - if the water collector gets overfull, it will

mpm UP2000 or mpm AP-25

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 26 11:42:19 EDT 2012 | comatose

I have an ap-25 and wish i had gotten the UP-2000 instead. How's that for an answer? The main difference is that the ap-25 uses linear motors and air bearings, whereas the up-2000 uses ball screws. The linear motors are faster, but the whole thing i

Compressor for Pick and Place line

Electronics Forum | Thu May 21 12:53:38 EDT 2020 | spoiltforchoice

A cheap piston compressor (like you might use in a garage) should be rated such that it has ~50% duty cycle, you don't want it running continuously. They are very affordable but do switch on and off between two essentially hardwired setpoints. The b

Compressor for Pick and Place line

Electronics Forum | Mon May 25 20:51:13 EDT 2020 | kylehunter

> A cheap piston compressor (like you might use in > a garage) should be rated such that it has ~50% > duty cycle, you don't want it running > continuously. They are very affordable but do > switch on and off between two essentiall

Wave soldering after SMD assembling

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 07 07:50:41 EST 2005 | pjc

6 deg is std angle. Some machines have option to adjust angle from 5 to 7. Maybe yours does. If you have an Electrovert wave machine you can get the Omega option. This option vibrates the wave to reduce surface tension. It does a nice job on rectangu

PANASERT MviiF Nozzles Breaking Frequently

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 18 09:22:12 EDT 2007 | ed_faranda

You're on the right track. 99% of the time, it is caused by a feeder not seating correctly. Check and ensure that all your tape covers are down and LOCKED (very important). Which type of feeders are you using Q or K? One thing I have found with K


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