Electronics Forum: rtv 162 general electric (Page 1 of 1)

Conformal Coat and RTV

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 03 21:20:22 EST 2007 | davef

Comments are: * General purpose RTV (RTV-108) releases an acetic acid (vinegar) during cure and corrodes copper, brass and sensitive metals. It is therefore NOT for use in delicate electrical or electronic applications. However, there is an electrica

Re: Adhesive

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 27 10:11:26 EDT 1999 | John Thorup

| Does anyone know where I can find the supplier of an adhesive RTV5204. | Don't know for sure but General Electric silicone rubber adhesives are prefixed with "RTV" Try GE silicones at 518/233-3330 (might be an old area code) or distributor R.S. H

Mixing conformal coating and RTV

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 22 10:12:14 EDT 2005 | davef

Common RTV does out-gas causing corrosion. NASA allows use of non/low-out-gassing RTV. Try the following companies: * Ablestik Electronic: Materials, 20021 Susana Road, Rancho Dominguez, California 90221 U.S.A., 310-764.4600, F 310-764-2545 * Arlon


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