Electronics Forum: samsung cp40 vision (Page 1 of 18)

samsung cp40cv handler error and vision error

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 18 08:11:27 EST 2019 | tomazicrok3

hello i have samsung cp40cv and this errors comes up can someone help me. vision communication error(1000)(1000), no sequence-finished from handler(%1), no command response from handler (0x2002).

samsung cp40cv handler error and vision error

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 02:03:51 EST 2019 | bukas

try first to replace SYS folder, or one by one of its files. if that doesnt work you are looking at complete disk backup. and check disk for bad sectors ofc

samsung cp40cv handler error and vision error

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 18 09:49:43 EST 2019 | bobpan

This is going from my memory from a long time ago...but in the scp.ini file....there could be digital light control and/or a matrix tray handler setting. I would turn them off if they are on. I believe this has something to do with a system setting.

Samsung CP40LV vision calibration

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 24 08:01:32 EST 2012 | wolverine

When using the rectangular plate given with the machine that is used with calibrating the movable camera, does the longer side of the plate get fed into the machine ( rails set to 80mm ) or the shorter side ( rails set to 74mm ) Thanks Dave

Samsung CP40LV vision calibration

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 29 12:55:38 EST 2012 | tech_fun

i don't thing that it is a rule. the only ideea is to mov the camera exactly above the hole in the middle.

Samsung cp40 pickup tolerance

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 16 01:42:15 EDT 2019 | ledze91

Hello. Got problems with big elements like connectors. Pickup tolerance dont work on cp40/Lv. Here got two machines cp40/lv and one cp40/cv. On cv dont have problems with pickup, but on Lv nozzle hit the pins of connectors or wont pick up

Samsung cp40 error code: 8311

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 16 09:50:38 EST 2023 | mra

Hi Fern, I'm getting the same error on my CP40 and cannot clear it as well, did you finally find out what to do to solve it? Thanks in advance!

Samsung cp40 error code: 8311

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 09 13:41:43 EDT 2021 | fernsure

Tried suggested solution in manual to no avail. Reseated every connector we could get to. Has anyone run into this error, and found a solution? This error does not allow me to ignore this head and use the other two. Thanks Fern

samsung cp40 help for problem with fiducial camera and fixing camera

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 27 09:04:54 EDT 2015 | fcmtechnician

HI are the LED from Ilumination on?

samsung cp40 help for problem with fiducial camera and fixing camera

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 30 07:25:09 EDT 2015 | buckcho

Hello, I haven't worked with such machine, but do you have a led lighting, like in cp45, which is newer? Maybe there is something wrong with it and it is not lighting up?

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samsung cp40 vision searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

ISVI - Industrial Sensor Vision International Corporation
ISVI - Industrial Sensor Vision International Corporation

Industrial Sensor Vision International specializes in advanced camera technology of high resolution fast speed cameras for automation, AOI, 2-D/3-D, SPI inspection and wafer inspection.


3 Morse Road 2A
Oxford, CT USA

Phone: +1 203 592 8723

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SMT spare parts - Qinyi Electronics

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SMT feeders

Software programs for SMT placement and AOI Inspection machines from CAD or Gerber.