Electronics Forum: samsung feeder slot (Page 1 of 32)

MY19 Feeder advance problem slot 2

Electronics Forum | Thu May 29 12:14:57 EDT 2008 | bsumfg

Hi, I'm confused by your post. Are you saying one of your magazines does not work in the 2nd feeder postiion even if you move the magazine to a new slot on the machine or are you saying all your magazines do not work in the 2nd feeder position reagr

MY19 Feeder advance problem slot 2

Electronics Forum | Thu May 22 16:16:05 EDT 2008 | rmitchell

Hi, Our MY19 will not advance our slot 2 feeder in all tape and reel LM magazines. Other slots advance fine on the same magazine but #2 will not, no matter where we position the magazine along the machine. Any info-

MY19 Feeder advance problem slot 2

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 04 08:54:46 EDT 2008 | sys_steven

We just had an issue where only slots 9 and up advanced on any feeder, an slot 2 advanced all the time. Slot 1 and 3-8 would not advance in any position. We replace the IC's at U12 and U13 on the M1 card, now slot 1 is the only one not working. We

MY19 Feeder advance problem slot 2

Electronics Forum | Tue May 27 13:27:38 EDT 2008 | tech1

Sounds like you got something stuck in the magazine bus and it blew the circuit in that lane. I think you can swap out chips on one of the computer boards in the system.

MY19 Feeder advance problem slot 2

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 04 00:28:27 EDT 2008 | chrispy1963

There are a couple of things that you can do. First thing to do is take a flashlight and shine it in the card edge connector of slot 2 and see if a passive component or any other part worked its way into that slot. This will cause multiple leads in

samsung CP40CV installation software,

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 25 14:23:21 EST 2014 | luca2006

hi, i need download link for installation soft for samsung cp40cv , after pc replace and installation of windows xp I lost all drivers and soft , Soft vers was 6.87 New pc is commell hs 862 + passive 3 slot for isa Thanks

Samsung sitck feeder problem

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 01 13:04:09 EDT 2004 | dorklover664

The company that I work for just bought two new Samsung pick and place machines (CP45FV). I love them. But we are having problems with the vibe stick feeders that we have. They have no groves or slots for the parts so if the tubs move at all the pla

samsung CP40CV installation software,

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 25 14:23:17 EST 2017 | robertorocco

This machine is OK. The price is 7000 euro with 10 feeders 8mm

samsung cp-45 and cp-60

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 23 05:21:09 EST 2016 | spectrumsmt

Hi Rick, we sell a very good after market recalibration jig which is available to calibrate most makes including Samsung. We also sell nozzles and feeders! Please get in touch or have a look at the website spectrumsmt.com All the best Ian

Samsung feeder bank duplication?

Electronics Forum | Tue May 21 12:58:15 EDT 2013 | highmillr

We have 2-Samsung 431's followed by a 421 on our line..We run different revision boards with similar parts. Is there a way I can run one revision feeder set up.Then switch over to the next job without having to switch feeders around for the new progr

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