Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 31 12:26:29 EST 2010 | kvael
Has any one had this problem? Dynatech says it is the I/O Dpram board, sold me one that dosen't work. Bought a second Dpram from SMTBOX, still have the same original problem. During Dpram initialization error comes up "no command response from handl
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 03 05:34:16 EST 2011 | jmw
Check in you system configuration that you dont have the opiton to use a matrix tray handler turned on. This is what i have seen cause this problem.
Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 28 10:19:10 EST 2014 | erikgfrey
Did you ever find a solution to this problem?
Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 26 09:52:50 EST 2017 | robertorocco
Hi Muzzy. I have a problem with the software. It si possibile copy the software on the HD or is necessery install it? Do you have the original floppy for the installation Samsung program (ODBC, vme,ecc)?
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 22 16:38:13 EST 2017 | khs_robot
HI I will buy a samsung CP40CV machine It will be used in manufacturing LED bulbs, I will use LED size 2835. Please advise me, is this machine good and easy to use? What are the common problems of this machine? What is the appropriate price for the m
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 04 22:52:57 EST 2004 | Roberto Rodriguez
i have a Universal GSM2 machine down and we check all, but are exaust, the problem is the next, when we make Zero axis tha machine say "AXIS HEAD1 Z POSITION ERROR DURING MOVE RELATIVE COMMAND" AND "TIME UP SPINDLES UP". DO YOU HAVE EXPERIENCIES AT T
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 13 17:29:02 EDT 2007 | fnorradd
I am currently having a problem with uncut legs on one side of axial components from a universal dual head insertion machine. Initially it was thought that the anvil on one side was engaging slow so I stripped down and changed the seals in the botto
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 20 00:51:03 EDT 2010 | jeffr
This particular Yamaha Head I/O Board is a common failure. Yamaha supply an updated version which is less likely to fail. The cause of the problem that you see is due to the connectors on the flexing and damaging the inner layers of the board. The on
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 29 22:01:48 EST 1999 | Scott Birnbaum
Can anyone give me information about a NCC8 (?) head for the Universal GSM's. Thats the one w/ four spindles and onboard vision (not flex jet however). Are there any maintenance issues with this style head? Is the onboard camera system accurate? How
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 18 15:15:10 EDT 2007 | jdengler
Jeff, You assume too much. Not all VCD's had clinch in sensors. Darron did not tell us what vintage this machine is so what habsfan said could be the problem. We need more information to help. Does the machine stop when it doesn't cut the lead? D