Electronics Forum: samsung nozzle 0201 components (Page 1 of 5)


Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 22 10:27:03 EST 2008 | fastek

Well I've heard you must get the 0201, 0.4mm tape feeder to place an 0201 component as the 0402 feeder won't do it. They ain't cheap @ $1,000 each from Fuji roughly. Also you will need to get 0.4mm nozzles on your machine. Have you actually done thi

Re: 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 15 19:01:39 EDT 1999 | DGrenier

| | I'm hoping to use 0201 caps and resistors in a new design but so far have only found one company who makes such small devices (Murato). | | | | Can anyone direct me to any other supplier? | | | | Are there any particular problems associated wi

Mydata Hydra and 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 02 07:38:13 EDT 2005 | DannyJ

Hi Mike, I haven't tried the 0201s with a Hyrda, but after seeing 20 reviews of your message without a response, I'll try and share my experience with 0402s on a non-Hydra machine. The 0402s are slow, but I managed to get some speed by maxing out

0201 Placement

Electronics Forum | Tue May 04 22:45:58 EDT 2004 | alwil

I want to find out if we can place 0201 components using a Fuji CP6-E 4000. If this is possible, do we require any upgrades to the machine. Is anyone doing this at present with this type of CP6. If so, what size of nozzle and feeder type is being use

0201 Machines

Electronics Forum | Mon May 02 10:18:30 EDT 2005 | Frank

Juki KE-2050R (or any of their R-series machines). They have the ability to automatically learn pick positions on paper tape feeders and they can zoom in on pick locations (x2 or x4), so this will help when they release their nozzle for 01005 compon

Simultaneous pick up with 0402 and 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Fri May 06 08:27:38 EDT 2016 | kahrpr

We have Samsung and havehad no problems with simultaneous pick ups with 201s 0r 402s. the feeders are durable and do not need much repair especially the sm feeders. The SME feeders have not been out as long so we will see so far so good. As with all

Simultaneous pick up with 0402 and 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Thu May 05 19:13:33 EDT 2016 | darby

Thanks Sr. If you have zero tolerance for simul pick up in your component files then you will not have simul pick up due to variances in your head offsets. So you are saying that on your Juki you run a tolerance for 0201? All other head positions at

Simultaneous pick up with 0402 and 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Fri May 06 07:58:33 EDT 2016 | cyber_wolf

Darby, I'm not completely sure I understand. Juki machines have what is referred to as a multi-head. The offsets between the heads are the same as the spacing between 8mm feeders. So the (6) heads all come down at once and "gang pick" from 6 8mm fee

0201 placement on Fuji CP4-3

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 01 16:39:29 EST 2012 | triadelectronics

Our company is going to attempt to place 0201 components using our Fuji CP4-3 with the upgraded SMD3 vision system. Count On Tools is providing the 0.4 mm nozzles and we are using our 8mmX2mm feeders with the 0.7mm tape leaf (if it works at all we w

Juki KE750 for 0201 component ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 24 12:10:20 EDT 2011 | atgservice

Hi All I need some advice , hope you guys can help. Is Juki KE750 able to mount 0201 components? Well, according to the nozzle catalogue, there is a special nozzle ( No. 149 ) which is smaller in diameter than the Nozzle 101. It says that this noz

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