Electronics Forum: samsung sm 12mm/16/24 electric feeder (Page 1 of 1)

Feeder Type

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 22 10:43:30 EDT 2016 | andreferreira

Hy, I do programs pick & places Samsung . I have a line consisting of a sm471 and sm482 ! to make progamas and optimizes them use easyOlp , these machines use electrical feeders that is SM8 for 0805 SM12 for circuits . My problem is that whe

Samsung SM320 VS Assembleon 8 head Opal XII

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 17 15:46:28 EST 2005 | Csabee

Samsung SM320 don't have sensor for recognizing component. Only using Fly&Fix camera. In first time the korean samsung service engineer advised me (3,7light settings for chips and the machine generated many dumps, sometimes 50 or more per day. But n


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