Electronics Forum: section 10.3 (Page 1 of 1)

IPC610 spec's.....Am I the only confused one???

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 24 07:56:53 EST 1999 | Brian C

Under IPC-A-610 Section 10.3(Components on their sides) it reads: ______________________________________________________ Acceptable - Class 1,2 Nonconforming Defect � Class 3 Chip components on its side provided the following are met: Chip

Re: IPC610 spec's.....Am I the only confused one???

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 24 10:56:12 EST 1999 | Steve Schrader

| Under IPC-A-610 Section 10.3(Components on their sides) it reads: | ______________________________________________________ | Acceptable - Class 1,2 | Nonconforming Defect � Class 3 | | Chip components on its side provided the following | are


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