Electronics Forum: selective solder nozzle wetting (Page 1 of 26)

selective solder process attributes

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 10 08:53:23 EST 2014 | jpal

We have the opportunity to buy a new selective solder machine and are used to using a very old Jade machine with a moving tank and wetted nozzle. I have two process concept questions: Which is better- move the board over the nozzle or move the nozz

selective solder process attributes

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 10 09:03:47 EST 2014 | rgduval

I can't claim to be an expert....I've just bought a used RPS, and it'll be my first...but, after reading through their manual, and working on setting things up, I'd say: -Conceptually, I like the idea of moving the board rather than moving the entir

selective solder process attributes

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 14 10:45:22 EST 2014 | tombstonesmt

We use both types in house. We started with a board moving over the pot, slowly moved on to Jade machines and eventually Synchrodex. Like you mentioned without palletizing you'll have component movements during the cylce and most likely won't have th

Coating on solder nozzle for Vitronics selective machine?

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 16 15:39:07 EDT 2011 | mwest

What type of coating is used on the Vitronics selective solder nozzles? Any help?

Coating on solder nozzle for Vitronics selective machine?

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 18 10:37:37 EDT 2011 | tombstonesmt

We do not use a Victronics selective solder but we you activ8 102 stainless steel flux from worton metals for our nozzles. Hope this helps.

Kiss selective solder flux

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 08 10:52:24 EST 2019 | roblackey

BLT 31-41 "No Clean Selective Flux For Aerospace" On a Versaflow 3/45 Atomises well, good hole penetration, good wetting, cleans off well in the solvent cleaner. Use for SN100C, SA0307, and 60/40.

selective solder process attributes

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 13 12:49:45 EST 2014 | dyoungquist

I have no experience running a "move the board" selective solder so can not compare the 2 methods..... We have been using an RPS Rhythm "move the pot/nozzle" system since 2008. We are using it solder thru hole components onto boards that often have

Kiss selective solder flux

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 22 14:19:38 EDT 2019 | gregcr

Thank you ProcEng1 Nordson sent me a flux suggestion list: No Clean: 1. Kester Select 10 2. ALPHA EF-2210 3. AIM FX-16 Water Sol: KESTER 2331-ZX Nozzle Tinning: SUPERIOR #75

Lead free selective solder

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 23 12:54:53 EDT 2017 | guts1872

We are having issues with top fill and dropping pins on Molex connectors with our KISS 101. Unfortunately we do not have a pre heater and bottom side pre heat with our nozzles is not satisfactory. Most of the issues occur when using a no clean proces

selective solder process attributes

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 14 10:40:35 EST 2014 | eniac

I use a two machines from EBSO, Germany. It's a machines with PCB carrier, so, solder pot is fixed. I'm fully satisfied with this equipment, but I use only wettable nozzles. If you would like to buy a new machine, not in used condition, EBSO will be

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