Electronics Forum: should cost (Page 1 of 68)

CM cost formula

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 02 15:54:15 EST 2009 | rgduval

That might because every CM has a different overhead rate. In general, your costs should be material+direct labor rate+overhead rate+markup and or profit margin. For your overhead rate, consider your non-direct labor, and your facility costs. Am

low cost SMT line

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 21 00:35:42 EST 2011 | dman97

The Fuji CP6 and QP242 should be more than capable of placing 0402(cp6) and bga components (QP242). You must be having some programming difficulties.

Low cost BGA inspection?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 21 10:36:37 EDT 2001 | traviss

A couple years ago Glenbrook would rent a small machine by the hour, you turn it on the ticker starts to count turn it off stops count you pay for that time. And they would apply a portion, or maybe it was all I don�t remember, of that rental towards

Low cost prototyping machines

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 24 04:04:43 EDT 2005 | Rob

Hi, Sorry, should have been more specific. We're looking for one of those benchtop/very small footprint machines to go with a support rail hand printer & benchtop reflow for our design lab to use for low volume prototypes. Something you can plug i

it's simply a cost issue.

Electronics Forum | Thu May 26 09:54:23 EDT 2005 | Steve Thomas

"Just because you can doesn't mean you should." It's not a "can" issue at all, at least prior to trying it. It's a "have" issue.

What standards should electronic manufacturing meet?

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 02 10:12:06 EST 2004 | mapell

Hi Dilbert We manufacture equipment for the electronics industry. The holy grail "guide book" you looking for does not really exist. I wish it did. I got with our compliance engineer this morning for help explain since I am not that experienced i

Ultra low cost pick & place?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 13 12:42:26 EDT 2009 | locostpp

By way of an update. We have the locost machine running. Plenty of stuff left to do BUT we should have it available for Q3/2009. The basic spec is much the same, we have spent *ALOT* of time developing the vision system and calibration mechanism.

Ultra low cost pick & place?

Electronics Forum | Tue May 13 12:15:47 EDT 2008 | locostpp

Harry, thanks for your comments. Certainly circuit diagrams where appropriate and mechanical schematics of complex parts like the head would be useful to the end user. We are working hard to eliminate relays and switches from the unit, and things

Ultra low cost pick & place?

Electronics Forum | Thu May 15 23:13:26 EDT 2008 | sarason

The Essemtec has a very cheap to manufacture feeder which you could adapt, or try one of the feeders that remove the tape by "ploughing" it off. Can't recall the brand right now. They are well made, but very cheap to make. The laser gets you speed. T

Ultra low cost pick & place?

Electronics Forum | Tue May 13 09:30:40 EDT 2008 | locostpp

Thanks for the comments. Tech-support is one the big savings we think we can make and the customer will have to install the machine themselves - we will make a comprehensive series of videos and tutorials. Calibration will be semi-automatic and the

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