Electronics Forum: side illumination (Page 1 of 1)

Difference between Philips Eclipse and Eclipse II

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 30 00:51:10 EST 2007 | vinitverma

Here are the differences (Eclipse vs Eclipse II) Optimum Speed: 5000 vs 6500cph Feeder Positions (8mm) : 80 vs 94 PCB Loading Time : 4s vs 5.3s PCB Thickness : 0.6-3mm vs 0.5-4mm Max Component Size : 32mm vs 45mm (optional camera possible on Eclipse

CP6-4000 nozzle centering errors?

Electronics Forum | Fri May 30 11:58:16 EDT 2008 | fredc

The right paper incorrectly applied can be a problem also. I have seen it on even new Fuji nozzles with the illumination disk bunched up on one side of the tube with a gap on the opposite side.

Single-view camera in Topaz-X and connector type element

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 10 05:40:27 EST 2019 | compit

It turned out that only SF heads support "fine" mode, while FNC does not. Probably because above the FNC nozzle there is a "circle" rotating the nozzles, and in fine mode it can interfere with the reflection of the camera light - the element is lower

GSM2 spindles Not seen for head

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 29 09:39:02 EDT 2015 | rgduval

Hey, David, For service, check out 4TechUSA over in Detroit. It's not Chicago, but, you're closer to Detroit up there than I am down here in Houston :) For your issue....do you have access to the UIC Knowledge Base? The first issue I found in the

GSM2 spindles Not seen for head

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 25 20:11:58 EDT 2015 | ercdave1

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I hope I can get some help since I am at the point where I don't know what to do. I have a Q block Universal GSM2 having some issues. I am getting an error message that reads. "spindles Not seen for

Quad IV-c feeder error

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 03 07:39:27 EST 2019 | dfl

POCKET POSITION PROGRAMMING This procedure ensures the components are properly centered at the tape feeder pickup point (over spring stabilizer). NOTE: The feeder can be reset at any time by removing it from the feeder base and reinserting it. This


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