Electronics Forum: siemens change-over tables (Page 1 of 8)

Re: Siemens siplace for high mix/medium to low volume

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 13 09:36:46 EDT 1998 | RNLM

| Is cost an issue? I evaluated Siemens Siplace about a year ago and the price per placement was twice what Phillips Machinery has to offer. We too are a high mix/low PCb count shop. Also, Siemens has many hidden costs and the references I talked

Re: Pick Place Change-overs, strengths, ages

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 16 21:28:44 EDT 1999 | JAX

| I have a number of hopefully easy questions: | | 1. Are there significant differences in the ease of change-overs and set-up among different equipment manufacturers? For example, are Siemens Siplace machines truly more modular than others?


Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 29 14:13:52 EDT 2003 | stefwitt

My opinion to hold on to your machines was based on the current market situation. First of all, I don�t believe that a customer with ten boards will go to China for prototype production. Truth is, that the remaining market here is the prototyping mar

Recomendations? Fuji CP7 or Univ HSP4797?

Electronics Forum | Mon May 24 19:58:41 EDT 2004 | Alan.

Hi Grant, change over and set up times for the CP's depend on a few things. For one, if you have enough feeders you can have the feeders reeled up ready to go on the machine. The change over will be very quick. If you are lucky enough to o

Re: Siemens Reliability

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 09 13:53:21 EST 1999 | Tom B.

We use Siemens equipment at our plant. I agree with what everyone said in the forum. These machines are primarily made for fixed or specfic PCB runs. The feeders are very well built as others have metioned. If you plan on excessive change over's,

Surface mount Machines

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 09 12:37:45 EST 2005 | Valerie

I've worked with Siemens, Philips, and Fuji and my vote is for Siemens. The machines are flexible, easy & quick to change over and their support is great.

Siemens S-23 Tables

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 13 09:15:36 EDT 2004 | Tarheel

I am looking for some used Siemens feeder tables. Preferrably the tables that roll for the S-20/S-23 series machines.If anyone finds some them please let me know !!! Thanks......

SMT p&p new line

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 21 12:08:48 EDT 2006 | fabione

Thank you so much. today i've had the offer.Siemens is the hightest. Mydata ,simulation of my products, work about 16000 19000 with 2 hydra.Siemens 18000 21000. I love change over with agilis, but now i must explain all my sensation to boosses. I mak

Re: Siemens siplace for high mix/medium to low volume

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 17 19:44:31 EDT 1998 | Eldon Sanders

Rob, I think the change over on the Quad QSP2 is about as easy and fast as it can get without swapping out the feeder bases. In a high mix environment I think it is worth looking at. Regards,

Re: Stencil printers, what's really out there?

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 22 17:03:48 EST 2000 | Chris

Dek 249 and Dek 260 models use to have fiducial recognition where table would adjust to the stencil. However, I would still recomend you buy an inline model because the change over will be much faster. Probably 10 times faster.

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