Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 02 12:47:15 EDT 2012 | deanm
Even though I cannot answer your question about a good Six Sigma training course, our company has had training in lean which I felt was helpful. You stated that one of your goals was to reduce cost/waste. That goal seems to lend better to a lean ma
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 19 14:25:07 EST 1999 | Mark Milward
Is anyone out there familar with the Quality system six sigma, velocity and first time pass(FTP). I'm aware of six sigma programs in SMT/PWA operations, but not the concepts surrounding velocity and FTP. I would appreciate someone pointing me in the
Electronics Forum | Wed May 14 21:47:03 EDT 2008 | davef
FAQ from Electronic Imaging Materials site: I am using 0.25-inch high labels in sets of six. How do I print this label configuration using BarTender? In BarTender, first ensure you are using the correct printer driver. Go to File Print and make sur
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 28 19:59:43 EST 2001 | davef
Wowzer, there's tons of hits on the net for "six sigma BB". Six sigma stuff gives about one tenth the hits of "Total Quality Management". Hummm. They give these five day training courses on histograms, parento charts, and whatnot to get a BB. Co
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 02 09:50:04 EST 2001 | stefwitt
Dave, I did assume Angela meant components ready for pick up. It would be too time consuming for any machine to measure the component availability prior to pick up. If we assume that the feeder advances in a rate of six sigma ( 3 defects per mio ) t
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 28 10:51:40 EST 2001 | slthomas
Almost has to be Black Belt, doesn't it?
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 28 18:51:21 EST 2001 | mparker
It's obviously Bertha - the only one of the Butts sisters that was a standard 3 deviate
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 02 09:22:51 EST 2001 | davef
How does the HS50 measure "pickup availability"?
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 17 23:43:16 EST 2005 | darby
The salesperson for the first six months. Hey, it's Friday and I'm feeling rambunctious.