Electronics Forum: sm421 blue screen (Page 1 of 3)

Breaking Dek 265GS screen printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 30 12:30:21 EDT 2013 | JB

We are breaking a 1995 Dek 265GS screen printer for spares, it has the blue under screen cleaner, green 2D inspection camera. Was in full working order before getting a new Dek printer installed. The reason for replacing it was the air line pipes had

Panasonic Panasert SPPV solder paste screen printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 18 21:18:29 EST 2014 | sonavc

Thanks, I don't have change to try the Password Now my machine boot up and get " BLUE SCREEN " I screw up my windows NT. Does any one know who till service this machine, reinstall the software and application. I'm in Southern California , CA 92708

Skew error at axis G1F-Y

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 26 05:44:39 EDT 2022 | spacecase

Hello all, I was looking at a Samsung SM421-f component placing machine and it's throwing up an error that was not described in the troubleshooting guide. Anytime I try to move the camera or home it the machine stops and the screen says that a skew e

Feeder loading station

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 09 16:34:46 EDT 2015 | davef

Look at the blue colored "New SMT Equipment" and "Used SMT Equipment" nav tabs on the left side of this screen.

Dynapert Sequencer- inserter

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 10 08:19:19 EST 2004 | davef

Dynaperts are good machines. If yours works, it should more than cover your costs. Alternatives are: * There is a large number of used assembly equipment resellers out there. Some of them buy banners here on SMTnet. You can find lists of them by

what's the difference between a thru vias and a blind via?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 30 16:12:12 EDT 2004 | davef

Search for "SMT Terms and Definitions" in the "Library & Bookstore" tab in the light blue area on the left of your screen.

Crystalized Flux under BGA

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 04 17:44:43 EDT 2004 | davef

Left click on the blue underlined "davef" [just left of the Lou Reed head] on one of my postings. An email dialog screen should popup and you should be able to paste [or attach] your pix there.

SMTnet Loads Slooooooooooow

Electronics Forum | Thu May 06 10:18:05 EDT 2004 | davef

Bright and early, it was blisterin'. Now it's zzzzzzz. Here's the interesting [to me] part: * When I first click on SMTnet, it's white screen and a 1/2 blue bar -- for like a minute. * When I get bored and go someplace else and then return, it load

Wave information

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 12 22:14:42 EST 2005 | davef

�a va Frank? Well, popularity depends on the beholder. Never heard of your "Specnor" machine. US and Eurolanders take different approaches to conveying boards. * US: Finger conveyors * Eurolanders: Pallet conveyors Suppliers of wave solder machin

Fuji Flexa v4.6.x

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 23 00:30:12 EDT 2015 | Wee

Hello All, I am looking for Fuji Flexa v4.6.x English CD ( no need license). Since my computer got corrupted blue screen and CD is gone. I would like to install a fresh program in new computer. Can somebody please share the CD? Thank you so much.

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