Electronics Forum: smt chip counter machine (Page 1 of 22)

rating smt machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 08 01:24:28 EST 2007 | saiprasad

integrates the speed of a chip shooter & the multi function of an ic mounter in one unit. >very less vibration as compared to other machines. > easy operating system with WIN-XP

Re: chip shooter

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 13 22:11:49 EDT 1999 | Dave Kalen

| I am begining to evaluate hi speed chip shooters. We are interested in the Panasonic MV2E. Does anyone have any experience with the turret style placement equipment, Panisonic in particular. | Thanks, | Jeff | Jeff, I think you should also conside

smt line - floor requirements

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 14 07:52:03 EDT 2015 | mun4o

Hi all, 2 weeks ago we installing a new P&P machine - chip shooter.But , after installation proved that vibration of the new P&P arе very strong.If I use mashine to 100% of the speed the machine vibrating and after 2-3 panels moving 3-5 mm.The machin

SMT chip component drop after DIP

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 09 22:07:51 EDT 2016 | geniepro

I would like to ask after glue bonding is abalibity drop. I test by force equipment that it is very difficult to drop after reflow 2. Very due by DIP machine. I check after Dip many chip drop. I wonder the glue not qualify I am using IR 130. Could yo

SMT chip processing short-circuit bad phenomenon

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 02 11:01:56 EDT 2022 | tommy_magyar

Ellaborating on Evtimov's answer: - solder paste type, think about solder granulation and viscosity. Both of these will directly affect print quality if wrong print parameters used. You will normally find recommended print parameters on the solder pa

Re: placement of 8 ml smt components

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 10 17:10:00 EDT 1998 | Steve Gregory

Hi Tim, 8-mil huh? Boy, that's getting down there...you know, placing 8-mil is one thing, but printing solder paste on 8-mil pitch is another. Most of the time when I've seen 8-mil pitch on a board it's been attached with hot-bar...but I guess

Re: smt reliability vs thru hole

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 18 12:36:11 EST 2000 | Dave F

Dave: I haven't located something to support your contention, yet, and I'm not going to comment on the factors that drive reliability beyond component selection, because I know that you've got some sweaty-palmed sales type wringing his hands waiting

Poka yoka tool for assembly of chip capacitors and resistros

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 08 11:38:52 EDT 2014 | spoiltforchoice

They key requirement before any fancy tools is careful storage, stock control, labeling and handling. If your parts are incorrect before they even get to production, you're screwed. As gregp suggests, to get consistently correct value and orientation

SMT machine Utilization

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 27 05:37:04 EDT 2001 | bayanbaru

Hello, Does anyone calculate the Chip Shooter utilization? Our utilization is calculate as follow: A = no. of actual parts place in a week B = no. of part count multiply by tact time multiply by 168 hours. Utilization = A/B What is the benchmar

Prototype SMT assembly machine

Electronics Forum | Fri May 18 04:05:39 EDT 2007 | bartlozie

I'm looking for a SMT prototype & small series assembly machine, needs to be very accurate, no need for high speed. For assembly batch size 1 to 50 pcb's. The machine needs to be accurate and flexible, able to place chips 0402 up to BGA components.

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smt chip counter machine searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

KingFei SMT Tech
KingFei SMT Tech

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