Electronics Forum: smt line cph capacity (Page 1 of 12)

How to calculate the line capacity

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 06 04:18:03 EST 2006 | Rob

Get a stopwatch & time your functions to see which is the slowest. I am guessing it's going to be the oven, printer (if using paste inspection) or the AOI. If you are talking the average or optimum speed in CPH, that would depend on the type of b

How to identify SMT line's capacity

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 22 08:44:04 EDT 2010 | davef

Determine the capacity of the slowest element of the line.

How to identify SMT line's capacity

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 21 21:02:27 EDT 2010 | tpvnew

Dear experts, I am new in this field, I try to figure out an SMT line’s capacity, but, it looks the capacity varying from a lot of factors, such as, number of component, layout of component, size of PCB… I am wondering if there is a simple but accura

How to identify SMT line's capacity

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 28 12:09:17 EDT 2010 | davef

In 2002, the IPC released IPC 9850 for use in assessing placement machine performance.

How to identify SMT line's capacity

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 06 20:42:26 EDT 2010 | tpvnew

Thanks, it is pretty close...

How to identify SMT line's capacity

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 23 01:37:38 EDT 2010 | tpvnew

Thanks for the input and advise. Yes, indeed, for single or just few products, to get the lowest ones should be no problem. However, I am facing so many products in the line, and the mix is changed all the time, it is difficult (for me, at least) to

How to identify SMT line's capacity

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 30 07:45:07 EDT 2010 | davef

We're not sure, but as a guess: There's about 6000 hours in a man-year when working three shifts

How to identify SMT line's capacity

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 24 14:32:59 EDT 2010 | remullis

Not sure what's in your line equipment wise, but you need to know relatively what kind of placements per day you run regardless of the mix. We run around 1.1 million across 5 lines in 3 shift. Calculate what kind of placement per day on a specific

How to identify SMT line's capacity

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 30 03:56:45 EDT 2010 | tpvnew

Thanks for the input. I am reading IPC9850 and have a question on its statement. ========================================================== 4.2.9 Preventative Maintenance (PM) Time ... Calculation Method: Multiply the amount of time required for ea

How to identify SMT line's capacity

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 28 02:10:10 EDT 2010 | tpvnew

Thank you very much for your reply. I do have the numbers for placement per hour, but, I have some concerns on it (forgive me if it is a stupid concern, as I said, I am new in this field, and trying to figure out this business). For example, it is

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