Electronics Forum: smt my data tp11 (Page 1 of 21)

Software for matching BOM/CAD data

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 30 09:05:08 EDT 2024 | spoiltforchoice

SMT Maestro is long gone from the wider web. You have to beg those of us who have a copy to share a link or find one of the previously shared links in this forum and see if it is still active. Technically this basic requirement is not that difficult

Re: quoting smt

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 09 17:53:06 EDT 1999 | Tom B.

| I am interested in seeing how some of you quote smt work. Currently we quote off a bom without component packages known then look in data books to find out what type of component they are. This job will be mine soon but i really believe there is a

smt fall-out -- acceptable rates

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 14 18:51:24 EDT 2010 | rway

Thank you. I spoke with our SMT guy, and he stated that there is plenty of board support on the pcb. So it's not a matter of flexing. There just seems to be inconsistancy in the solder application. He did mention that part of the problem is a lac

Have any paper or data talking about "BGA Stencil design guideline for avoid bridge"?

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 06 11:24:56 EDT 2018 | davef

pdf "BGA Stencil design guideline for avoid bridge" As you would expect, Google found 40,000+ results in less than a second One of my favorites was Power Point Presentation by Greg Smith [gsmithATfctassembly.com] at FCT Assembly: "Improve SMT Assem

Conversion of gerber data into .lst, .aoi, .srf or .asc formats

Electronics Forum | Sat Sep 02 00:22:44 EDT 2017 | ermani9

I have Solder Paste Inspection Machine of TRI make, which accepts the SMT pads CAD data in the .lst, .aoi, .srf or .asc formats only. Can any body suggest how to convert my existing data in .gbr or .gbx into the above reqd. formats. Pl suggest. Tha

Siemens Siplace 80S15 causing Line Controller to hang up, and 80S15 keeps waiting for machine data from Line controller

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 05 23:04:44 EST 2020 | sarason

My advice for what it is worth. Your description of the problem at first glance suggests a communication problem, now is it the bus, the SMT machine or the PC. The bus could have a short or an open. The PC could have a dud controller card. or so co

MyDATA TP11 UFP harddisk Clone

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 05 20:23:36 EDT 2005 | mdang

Hi, I am looking for a utility to clone a mydata TP11 hard disk for backup purposes. Can you help? Thanks, -Michael

MyDATA TP11 UFP harddisk Clone

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 07 07:31:37 EDT 2005 | cyber_wolf

We use a program called ghost. It works. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16832108190

MyData placement precision / alignment

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 17 11:35:57 EDT 2020 | artem

Hello, I have some troubles with my MyData TP11-UFP with the precision of the placement. All the parts which are mechanically centered are slightly misaligned. Attached are some pictures of 0603 and a SOT23 part. I have made the calibration but it

My Data

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 28 13:11:13 EST 2001 | cyber_wolf

Chris, I have worked with all kinds of Mydata's TP9,TP11,MY series machine for years. I have ran them, programmed them,and had just about every nut, bolt,motor, and circuit board out of them at one time or another.I have also written specialized mai

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smt my data tp11 searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

KingFei SMT Tech
KingFei SMT Tech

Main Products: 1. Original new and Original Used SMT/AI Spare Parts. 2. SMT Equipments And Related Machine( SMT Calibration, SMT Feeder Carts,Conveyer etc.) 3. Maintenace and Repair Service Pre-Sales Service Provide details ab

Manufacturer's Representative / Manufacturer / Equipment Dealer / Broker / Auctions / Consultant / Service Provider

3 Road Xintang, Fuhai Street,Fuyong
Shenzhen, 30 China

Phone: 13713862102