Electronics Forum: smt siemens line (Page 1 of 213)

siemens HS60 & F5HM

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 08 09:54:39 EDT 2021 | cosimaliu

hi iam cosima we have engineer if ok,please send me video showing the problem i may help you to slove it cosima@qy-smt.com

smt scrap reduction

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 06 00:42:52 EDT 2005 | Dr. K

Hello all. I would like to implement a process in our SMT site. The process purpose is to reduce the scrap level from our SMT line machine (siemens). I would like to hear some advices for that kind of process. -preventive actions I should implement

smt line - floor requirements

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 18 07:59:38 EDT 2015 | mun4o

Thanks FCM, we remove the metal plate and make a new ferro-concrete base.Under foot put ESD rubber.Now machine working perfect - without any vibration. Thank you very much and success.

smt line - floor requirements

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 27 09:58:45 EDT 2015 | fcmtechnician

Hi Take out the steel plate, is acting like a trampoline, oscillating with the machine movements! Is the machine leveled OK? The installation guys use 0.02/1000 Spirit Level ( leveler )? Let the machine on the concrete floor, try first on the top o

smt line - floor requirements

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 14 07:52:03 EDT 2015 | mun4o

Hi all, 2 weeks ago we installing a new P&P machine - chip shooter.But , after installation proved that vibration of the new P&P arе very strong.If I use mashine to 100% of the speed the machine vibrating and after 2-3 panels moving 3-5 mm.The machin

smt scrap reduction

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 15 16:54:33 EDT 2005 | linny999

Siemens is an excellent platform. To reduce your scrap:- Carry out the specified maintenance, especially the segments and valve plungers; Calibrate revolver heads to benchmark. Remove the tables, smooth the magnetic strips, clean the mounting faces,

smt scrap reduction

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 06 10:14:05 EDT 2005 | stepheniii

The biggest most important overall factor I have seen is the personel running and looking after the equipment. Any plan not involving them will probably not be effective. The front line people can probably tell you more than you can tell them. I hav

SMT p&p new line

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 19 11:18:04 EDT 2006 | fabione

Goodday,my name is Fabio and i'm smt tecnician manager of an italian company i must buy a NEW line smt. My end choose is: europlacer(Vitesse) or Mydata(My9+My9) or Siemens(CS+CF). if it's possible i would a yours considaretion about affidability and

SMT p&p new line

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 21 12:08:48 EDT 2006 | fabione

Thank you so much. today i've had the offer.Siemens is the hightest. Mydata ,simulation of my products, work about 16000 19000 with 2 hydra.Siemens 18000 21000. I love change over with agilis, but now i must explain all my sensation to boosses. I mak

SMT p&p new line

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 20 09:21:24 EDT 2006 | fabione

My actual line(europlacer928+europlacer400)(7500-10000c/h)it is too much slow in the change of production(3 change to day) My choice is mydata as principal line (hight changes low volume) and old europlacer for my 8 product with max volume. or Siemen

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smt siemens line searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

KingFei SMT Tech
KingFei SMT Tech

Main Products: 1. Original new and Original Used SMT/AI Spare Parts. 2. SMT Equipments And Related Machine( SMT Calibration, SMT Feeder Carts,Conveyer etc.) 3. Maintenace and Repair Service Pre-Sales Service Provide details ab

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SMT feeders

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