Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 16 11:10:13 EDT 2012 | kkay
We are thinking of switching over from sac305 to sn100. Has anyone had any experience with this changeover and is there any drawbacks to switching to sn100?
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 20 09:23:45 EDT 2012 | kkay
Only at our selective solder process.
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 20 09:19:58 EDT 2012 | davef
kkay: I'm not real clear on where in the assembly process flow that you are considering replacing SAC305 with SN100. Please clarify
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 17 13:42:06 EDT 2012 | gaz
I'd say it depends on the whole process you have. With our 5 zone oven, I could never get a profile that worked as well as SAC305, so we switched back.
Electronics Forum | Fri May 04 08:37:45 EDT 2012 | waveroom
SN100C is being used by 95% of our customers over the SAC305. The main reasons are Cost big savings easily $10.00 lb, nice shiny solder joints good for quality inspection. Very few people are using SN100C in SMT Due to increased temperature requireme
Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 21 14:50:17 EDT 2012 | edmentzer
We are using SN100C in both our wave and selective machines and have very good results. We also using it for ROHS hand soldering. It flows better than SAC305, the joints are shinny just like Sn63/37. We are looking into using SN100C as our paste b
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 17 13:45:24 EDT 2012 | kkay
Actually we were looking into it for our selective solder process only. We are pretty happy with the results of 305 at smt.
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 18 10:05:24 EDT 2012 | dyoungquist
We started with SN100C from the very beginning when we purchased our selective solder machine. It has been working well for us. I can't speak to what happens when changing over to it, but I've heard of many companies using SN100C for selective sold
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 03 14:43:04 EST 2006 | amol_kane
the latest circuits assembly mazagine features an article on this by Karl Seelig
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 06 18:22:53 EDT 2006 | russ
Anyone using the new SACX from Alpha?