Electronics Forum: sn99 ag0.3 cu0.7 (Page 1 of 2)

Lead Free Solder Sn(99%)/Ag(0.3%)/Cu(0.7%)

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 30 06:44:34 EDT 2007 | dszeto

Is there any benchmarking / report available on the industry regarding to the application of leadfree solder Sn(99%)/Ag(0.3%)/Cu(0.7%) e.g. Alpha Metals SACX0307 compared to SAC305? Thanks! Daniel

Lead Free Solder Sn(99%)/Ag(0.3%)/Cu(0.7%)

Electronics Forum | Wed May 02 02:41:30 EDT 2007 | May

Of course it is needless to say the performance of SACX0307 is worse than SAC305, and also to some other lead free solders,eg SN100C & SCS7.

Sn99 Cu0.7 Ag 0.3

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 10 10:55:40 EST 2005 | Rob

Hi Jerry, Thanks for the info - it's very helpful. I'm assuming (as it carefully refrains from saying it anywhere!) that SAXC0307 is Sn99/Cu0.7/Ag0.3. Cheers, Rob.

Lead Free Solder Sn(99%)/Ag(0.3%)/Cu(0.7%)

Electronics Forum | Wed May 02 04:04:18 EDT 2007 | greg york

What aload of rubbish - prove it, we have over 320 users in the UK alone using the SACP0307 solder with great results, and the biggest advantage they have is they can multiple source the solder not stuck to one company who has purchased the patent an

Sn99 Cu0.7 Ag 0.3

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 10 08:46:08 EST 2005 | jdengler

Rob, Try http://www.alphametals.com Jerry

Sn99 Cu0.7 Ag 0.3

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 22 10:52:35 EDT 2005 | patrickbruneel

Ken Which flux are you using

Sn99 Cu0.7 Ag 0.3

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 08 08:28:12 EST 2005 | py (france)

a french subcontractor had tried this alloy for a show (in france). I was here , the PCB was not to hard to weld , but the results were not as good than Sn63pb37.(of course) the advantage is the price. see cookson for details.....

Sn99 Cu0.7 Ag 0.3

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 10 04:45:51 EST 2005 | Rob

Thanks for your help, & will look into Cookson as soon as http://www.alpha-frytechnologies.com is working again. Cheers, Rob.

Sn99 Cu0.7 Ag 0.3

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 07 09:14:04 EST 2005 | Rob

Hi does anyone have any experience of running Sn 99 Cu0.7 Ag 0.3 solder in their waves? Also is there any reliabilty data available? I think it may also be called C7A3. All I can find is a brief mention in a table in IEC 61190-1-3 2004, and on a pr

Sn99 Cu0.7 Ag 0.3

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 07 20:22:05 EST 2005 | KEN

Here are some general rules for lead free wave solder: Noble aloys will cost more. Period. The cheapest metal on earth is lead. Costs can only go up in Lead Free. Consumer grade and class 2 electronics will most likely use Tin / Copper for wave.

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