Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 04 17:19:31 EST 2005 | davef
Mrduckmann2000: Why do you want to do this? * Removing a non-washable / peelable temporary solder resist [TSR] is going become very tedious, because they do not release well from small / tight / isolated features. * Clay from washable resists will
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 14:49:58 EDT 2004 | jamyboy
Hi, I am trying to assemble a LTCC component > with Pd/Ag surface finish on to Sn/Pb/Ag solder > and Sn/Ag/Cu solder. I am passing it through a > reflow. I have observed poor wettability at the > solder-pad joint. Does anyone have information
Electronics Forum | Thu May 07 20:28:35 EDT 2009 | davef
From our notes, the following is a series of snips from: "Copper Dissolution in Tin" LJ Turbini, PhD, adjunct faculty member, University of Toronto, Materials Science and Engineering, SMT 2/07 As the solder becomes molten, copper from the board diff
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 11 10:41:16 EDT 2001 | techment
Can someone helps to interpret the IPC-A-610's requirement on solder balls ( less than 5 mils in diameters.). We found about 6 to 10 balls ( less than 5 mils ) scattered in a 600 sq mm board. Is it consider failing for class 2 product ?. Thank you.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 06 13:17:33 EDT 2002 | Hussman69
Don't forget squeegee type and angle. (Am I an Ian wanna be or what?) I'd leave out different types of solder paste. For measurement, use something like a Cyber Centry. It may cost a little, but if you're serious, it's worth it. Other wise you m
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 09 10:58:30 EST 2003 | soupatech
Thanks for the input.... I ordered a 5 mil stencil AND used more tooling under the board. This gave me a much smaller deposit of solder. I wouldn't swear that was my problem but 96 boards later the problem is 99% gone. I believe there was just too mu
Electronics Forum | Wed May 28 05:31:17 EDT 2003 | dougie
Hi, Can someone please give me an IPC standard number or similar for decal design when wave soldering SMT components on the underside of a board. Hopefully a document exists detailing design rules, the components ideal attitude to the wave, suitabil
Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 06 09:38:39 EST 2008 | eksoftware2
We are going to convert a Leaded Wave machine (EMS Stallion) to Lead Free. Can we just empty the pot of leaded solder, run it with pure tin for a bit and then put in SN100 bar? What's the score with SN100? Oh and does anyone have any paperwork for
Electronics Forum | Wed May 19 15:42:46 EDT 2010 | davef
Hear ya. Mostly, we production people. So, we shy away from home brew soldering techniques, unless we get ourselves in a mess. That being said, there's a fair amount of stuff on the web about home brew BGA and fine pitch QFP soldering. Here's an
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 07 05:11:42 EDT 2012 | cp38260
Hi, I have pcbs (Duroid/RT 5880) with raw copper, soldered in vapour-phase chamber at 230 degrees Celsius. During soldering, copper gets tarnished. Cleaning with Vigon A250 removes the tarnished layer. Indeed, in the VigonA250 techn. datasheet it is