Electronics Forum: solder ball removal from laser (Page 1 of 19)

Selective BGA ball removal

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 07 16:00:45 EST 2003 | Don A

It would depend on how many boards and parts you need to build. I would prefer an etch cut as it leaves the the part intact and you get the strength of the solder joint. It also reduces the handling of the BGA and associated damage from that

Selective BGA ball removal

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 29 22:41:42 EST 2003 | msimkin

Our design team have got a problem. We need to either drill out 6 vias/pads for a BGA site, or remove the solder balls form the BGA before they are palced. ( std eutectic) Has anyone used a vendor to remove balls from BGA (0.75mm piutch, ball size ap

BGA void removal

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 30 09:26:04 EDT 2002 | itempea

Russ, first step would be to get IPC-7095 on BGAs. A few notes: There can be voids in solder balls, or at the solder joints to the BGA, or at the solder joints to the PCB. Various sources or reasons can be responsible for these voids. Voids can be

solder ball after reflow owen

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 24 15:37:50 EDT 2006 | Chunks

Hi Any, This is from an earlies thread "Solder Ball After Reflow Process". Date: August 16, 2006 01:52 PM Author: Russ Subject: Solder Ball After Reflow Process Oven settings are meaningless here. What does the board see? It is the paste we a

Re: BGA removal

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 30 16:39:04 EST 1998 | Tony Arteaga

Hello there, I am currently doing BGA repair and basically I am applying the same process as Mike sujested. It is actually the way to go when creating a profile. The next process is re-balling your package, that is if you whant to use the same compon

Re: BGA removal

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 23 23:42:11 EST 1998 | Mike

| Can anyone give me any info on the effective removal of BGA's? I need to be able to take a variety of BGA's off boards quickly without creating pad damage. I am not yet concerned about the re-attach process. Depending on your rework station,Useing

Re: BGA removal

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 30 16:29:31 EST 1998 | Tony Arteaga

| | Can anyone give me any info on the effective removal of BGA's? I need to be able to take a variety of BGA's off boards quickly without creating pad damage. I am not yet concerned about the re-attach process. | Depending on your rework station,| U

BGA void removal

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 19 08:33:50 EDT 2002 | johnw

The whole thread seem's to have gone off track. Russ we've been doing a fairly big bit of work on the whole BGA voidign thing as we were so unhappy with the answer's that we were getting from around the industry, basically no one really kows all the

Cleaning Oxides from BGA's

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 19 08:06:06 EDT 2002 | johnw

You know I knew I used this forum for a reason, probably the most complete knowledge base going. I too use Indium and yoru right the minite you hit any stuborn oxides then your bust. The problem however is that the customer tends to dictate what we

BGA pads lifting from PCB

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 02 16:01:57 EDT 2009 | ewchong

thanks kpm. agree the cause of those pads lifting. all of them were no connects so they cannot be the cause of the electrical failure. when the bga was removed, all the solder balls on the pcb turned into conical shape due to the separation, except

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