Electronics Forum: solder mask webbing (Page 1 of 184)

Solder webbing @ Wavesolder

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 06 13:02:36 EST 2001 | kmorris

Hi all: We are seeing "solder webbing" on the bottom side of some of our PCBs after wave solder. The solder is sticking (like a spider web) to the solder mask on the PCB. This is only happening on 2 of the many PCBs we wave on that machine. Both o

Solder webbing @ Wavesolder

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 06 18:19:30 EST 2001 | davef

Now that's surprising that your board fabricator would say the mask was cured properly [without even inspecting the boards]. I wonder if they can backup those BOLD words when testing your boards with the webbing problem. The reason you can�t find t

Re: solder mask

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 11 13:34:58 EDT 1999 | Dave F

(snip) | | You're quite right. However, anyone who uses MeCl in an aerosol spray needs his head examining. I'll go further: if he continues, he will most CERTAINLY need his head, the rest of his CNS and his liver examining a little later on. It has

Re: solder mask

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 11 09:51:11 EDT 1999 | Brian

| | | Easy goods-in polymerisation check: clean, white, cotton cloth: wrap it round a suitably gloved finger and pour a few drops of methylene chloride (! toxic) onto the end of the finger and rub it onto the bare board for a minute or so. If it come

Re: solder mask

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 05:33:23 EDT 1999 | Brian

| | (snip) | | | | You're quite right. However, anyone who uses MeCl in an aerosol spray needs his head examining. I'll go further: if he continues, he will most CERTAINLY need his head, the rest of his CNS and his liver examining a little later on

Re: solder mask

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 12 22:23:23 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| | | | (snip) | | | | | | You're quite right. However, anyone who uses MeCl in an aerosol spray needs his head examining. I'll go further: if he continues, he will most CERTAINLY need his head, the rest of his CNS and his liver examining a little

Re: solder mask

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 13 10:39:25 EDT 1999 | Boca

| | | | | | (snip) | | | | | | | | You're quite right. However, anyone who uses MeCl in an aerosol spray needs his head examining. I'll go further: if he continues, he will most CERTAINLY need his head, the rest of his CNS and his liver examining a

solder mask between qfp pads

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 14 17:39:37 EDT 1999 | Gerry S.

One of the DFM suggestions I've seen is to remove the solder mask web, i.e. the mask between pads on 20-mil QFP devices. The rational is that if the mask is thicker than the pad the mask can prevent the stencil from making intimate contact with the

Re: solder mask between qfp pads

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 15 14:56:03 EDT 1999 | Dean

| One of the DFM suggestions I've seen is to remove the solder mask web, i.e. the mask between pads on 20-mil QFP devices. The rational is that if the mask is thicker than the pad the mask can prevent the stencil from making intimate contact with th

solder mask

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 09 04:15:33 EDT 1999 | Jacqueline Coia

I am having cleaning problems when processing PCB's which have TAIYO solder mask on them. After processing, hand soldering and cleaning, a sticky residue is remains, resulting in a cosmetically poor finish with tide marks etc. Other soldermasks do no

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