Electronics Forum: solder paste

Control the solder paste

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 10 03:11:11 EST 2000 | Wister

Hi,how to control the solder paste,condition as belows? place at room temp.or put it into refrig.again if the unopened paste has been warmed up 8 hours but it would not been used at once in case of schedule changing.Assuming that this solder paste wi

solder Profile

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 12 23:52:42 EDT 2015 | armandogomez

Reflow? or Wave solder? or selective wave solder? For what I understand you problems is with the preheaters you have a high temp that dries up the flux, and when hits the wave is doing that, do you have a thermal profiler? what's the temp just befor

Lead-free solder

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 15 14:36:06 EDT 2004 | Ted

I need solder that has a solidus temp. of approximately 260C so that when sent through a second reflow of 260C the solder doesn�t become liquidus. However, I need the max reflow to be less that 300C because of the substrate.

Lead-free solder

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 14 12:27:49 EDT 2004 | pjc

try Indium Corp's SMQ230. http://ncsmq230.indium.net/ Peak "on board" temps of 229C with good wetting have been obtained.

solder Profile

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 12 01:17:58 EDT 2015 | armandogomez

hello! Can you be more precise on what you need ? like profiles in general? leaded? lead free? low temp profiles? cheers!

wave solder

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 12 10:57:51 EDT 2000 | Jason

I am new to wave soldering. Any information is greatly welcomed. Here is the problem. After soldering the boards they have a film on the bottom of them and sometimes a white powder looking substance. I have tried decreasing the amount of flux on

solder balls

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 07 16:14:54 EST 2001 | Antonio

I've recently read a posting here which said that the person was trying to reduce solder balls. One of the things the person had done was to adjust the reflow profile so as to be hotter and longer in the reflow state. Am I wrong here? I thought th

Lead-free solder

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 14 12:23:59 EDT 2004 | Ted

Hi everyone! I am looking for a lead-free solder that will survive a customer reflow of 260C. I am currently using SN10/Pb88/Ag02 but the reflow temperature is to high (320C) for the FR4 boards that we have. I know there are higher temp FR4 boards

solder balls

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 07 21:56:00 EST 2001 | davef

Every critter out there with large incisors adapted for gnawing and nibbling has a different theory of solder ball formation. [My theory: It�s punishment for using NC fluxes. Stand and deliver. My solder balls end-up in the gross filter connected

No solder and solder bridge after Wave solder machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 17 13:13:49 EST 2005 | Mike

Hello, Some questions.... Are you running lead free? What alloy? What�s your pot temp at? Temp of the board after preheat? Are you getting any solder in the barrels (

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