Electronics Forum: solder recycle (Page 1 of 12)

lead free solder dross recycling

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 18 19:34:02 EDT 2011 | warwolf

so there is no one here baised in New Zealand that wants to buy our SAC305 solder dross and recycle it, we have about 120KG at the moment, anyone intrested?

Re: solder dross recovery

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 23 13:48:07 EST 2000 | John Storjohann

A number of years ago I used a Kester product called Solder Saver. It is a thick liquid that one squirts onto the dross on a hot solder pot. It separates out the solder leaving a crust of almost clean dross. Unfortunately a mask is still required. Th

lead free solder dross recycling

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 19 20:04:06 EDT 2011 | warwolf

yeah I’ve tried to go down the road of internal recycling but the company carnt justify spending 20k on a machine that does it. Ah but where still onto it in other places though our SMT department has very minimal wastage on solder paste as we have b

Re: Electrum bar solder

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 26 08:15:13 EDT 1999 | Brian

| | Has anyone used bar solder from a company called "Electrum Inc." | | What kind of results did you have? | | | | | Hammer: Try: | | Electrum Recovery Works 827 Martin St Rahway, NJ 07065 908-396-1616 800-622-1192 Canada 800-535-1192 Fax: 908-3

lead free solder dross recycling

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 19 11:33:15 EDT 2011 | caerleon

easier if you recycled on-site? You can still send off for reclaimation the oxide powder that your left at the end of the process. Failing that talk to your supplier to see if they have arrangements to do this for you or look at reducing dross - i f

Re: solder dross recovery

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 23 00:47:00 EST 2000 | Donnie DeYoung

Mark, If you find out anything please let me know. The only way we do it is by hand using a slotted spoon and dumping the lead and dross into a 3 gallon bucket and having it taken off site and recycled. It's a pain in the neck, and I don't like we

MS2 molten solder surfactant

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 16 09:08:33 EST 2006 | DannyJ

Has anybody tried this stuff? I was asked about it this morning and it sounds plausible from their website, minus "The small volume of spent material can then be inexpensively shipped back to P. Kay Metal for recycling" part. Website: http://www.p

MS2 molten solder surfactant

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 26 21:28:56 EST 2006 | generalrp

Hello! About Dross reducing(recycle)everyone can check the following patent. US PATENT # 616,161 1898 year!!!! Also, from the contemprorary patents, US PATENT # 6,942,791 and some others. If using MS2 molten solder surfactant, every week you wi

Re: solder mask

Electronics Forum | Sun Aug 15 05:45:15 EDT 1999 | Brian

Boca, Dave Sorry, but I cannot let this go. I'll go along with you that, at the time that the Montreal Protocol was initially signed (September 1987), there was no scientific proof that CFCs etc. were causing ozone depletion. There was, however, ve

Re: solder balls and flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 01 16:58:03 EST 2000 | Dave F

Robert: On your balls: Solder suppliers make several "standard balls" and can advise you. On your cleaner: Recycling water / direct to drain? Most batch cleaner suppliers can advise you on recycling and filtering systems to keep you out of troub

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