Electronics Forum: solder rod (Page 1 of 2)

solder paste

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 27 09:58:05 EDT 2011 | davef

Pressure printing systems Conventional stencil printing techniques have fundamental limitations as regards paste handling: The volume of paste available for printing is limited, so frequent replenishment is necessary Paste is difficult to c

Soldering Test Interview

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 30 14:12:50 EDT 2005 | thaqalain

Yeh,u catch my fault.Thanks Is it called Wave Soldering?how and why this name? I did'nt differentiate b/w two rods and in panic may tried wrong sequence of events.Word "wiggle" meaning is to proceed with or as if with twisting and turning movements

trace surface finish

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 09 21:54:01 EDT 2013 | mandysmile

Hi, rod, The exposed copper area you could do with ENIG. It is with good solderability.

Re: Solder Iron/Tip Problem!

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 17 16:18:22 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| | Has anyone had problems with the Weller MT 1500 IRON/TIP solder station? | | Please advise your problem and resolution. | | | | ddj | | 6/16/99 | | | I don't like to use the needle tips (MT2 series), but the rest of the tips work fine. The MT2

PIP plus

Electronics Forum | Fri May 12 06:13:55 EDT 2006 | slaine

Hi I use a lot of preforms for other specific applications. Personally I like indiums product but the lead time is awful and dont often deliver them on schedule. (im in the uk). Some manufactures make preforms out of solder wire that is pressed flat

Draining a Solder Pot-

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 27 20:10:17 EDT 2005 | davef

Use "Bakers Secret" Teflon coated loaf pans to make the nicest solder ingots that you have ever seen. We hope you are using the term "draining the solder pot" euphemistically. Using the drain on the bottom of the pot is dangerous. [Too much can go

Soldering Test Interview

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 30 14:02:42 EDT 2005 | steve

I'm confused on nozzle rods as a description. Thru-hole desoldering is achieved by fluxing the the leads that are on the bottom side of the board and then coming in with a desoldering gun. You place the tip/nozzle of the gun against the side of the l

Problems with SN100C in a Soltec Delta C Wave

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 09 20:13:36 EDT 2006 | grantp

Hi, We have spent the day trying to profile our Vitroncis Soltec Delta C wave with the new SN100C solder, but having problems with the heavy pins on some BNC connectors we are using. We have Interflux no residue flux, and we are using palettes, whi

Enlarge Pads on Corner SSOP Package Pins.

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 07 00:47:53 EDT 2011 | woodsmt

PCB, What is telling you that you have cold solder? You do not give much info. My QA/QC love this term to describe a multiple of issues. They are usally very wrong. If this is a reflow process and it just affects one part? An SSOP is not likley t

Fountain Wave Soldering and Repair/Rework Equipment

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 21 09:27:33 EST 1999 | Earl Moon

Hello, I will be evaluating and qualifying two equipment types. The first is a fountain soldering device. I need practical advice on all the stuff you guys and gals know about as good, bad, ugly, best applications, setup, limitations, and all the re

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