Electronics Forum: solder thickness (Page 1 of 151)

estimate solder thickness

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 07 10:38:34 EDT 2011 | davef

Boots: Here's several methods for guessing at the amount of solder on your connection: * First, 'Down & Dirty' ** Assume that the solder is flat, which is reasonable since it's 'flattened' by the component package ** Assume 100% paste transfer from t

estimate solder thickness

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 07 08:31:57 EDT 2011 | bootstrap

I am building a rugged digital video camera product that essentially is just a sandwitch of 3 parts: #1: front piece is machined aluminum with C-mount thread #2: middle piece is 1/16" printed circuit board #3: back piece is machined aluminum The

solder mask thickness

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 11 13:00:07 EST 2019 | slthomas

Excessive mask thickness also can wreak havoc on stencil printing.

solder mask thickness

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 10 13:35:34 EST 2019 | scotceltic

I am looking to see what people are using for a min-max range to supply your PCB fabricators regarding solder mask thickness. I saw some points in the archives but not too much regarding what people are providing as their spec ? Any help would be a

solder mask thickness

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 11 11:35:15 EST 2019 | dilogic

Just out of curiosity - what is the rationale behind specifying mask thicknes?

solder mask thickness

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 11 12:07:33 EST 2019 | scotceltic

Our company has a spec on their current PCB dwg to make sure the fab house meets a specific thickness (min-max). The current spec reads: 13.5um min - 38.5um max. I assume it is to keep the board house honest and to make sure there is no exposed co

Soldermask thickness

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 02 17:54:46 EDT 2003 | davef

Yes, Russ IPC-6012A w A#1 - Qualification & Performance For Rigid Printed Boards talks to solder mask requirements in 3.8. One interpretation of what it says: * Solder resist [solder mask] must meet the qualification / conformance requirements of S

Soldermask thickness

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 01 22:15:36 EDT 2003 | davef

Tough to say. It depends on the type of solder mask, the producer of the solder mask, and your board fabricators' process. As one angle on this, solder mask type affects thickness. Minimum clearance: * Liquid photoimageable: 2 thou * Screened liq

Soldermask thickness

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 06 12:37:18 EDT 2003 | ramanandkini

It was a nice discussion. What I did here was a thermal shock test 1 hour@ +90 deg.c and immediately 1 hour @ -40 deg.c. The second test I did was a high humudity test for a week. After each test, I carried out a peel test with scotch tape. Those bo

Soldermask thickness

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 01 21:22:37 EDT 2003 | ramanandkini

We have a 1.6 mm thick automotive PCB board of size 35x70mm. One of our vendor has given us a batch with lesser soldermask thickness 5~8 microns. Will this affect the circuit board on a long term. What should be standard for the soldermask thickness?

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